Xusinboy Bekchanov

Results 59 comments of Xusinboy Bekchanov

There is one more difference in VB6 in the second line of frm files is the text Begin VB.Form. VB6: ``` VERSION 5.00 Begin VB.Form Form1 Caption = "Form1" ClientHeight...

The .cls file is also different. VB6: ``` VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone MTSTransactionMode =...

TwinBasic also differs from VB6 and VBA in terms of the keywords: Module ... End Module Class ... End Class. There is also a major difference: These are the file...

> Sounds like TwinBasic could have it's own language entry, if it meets the documented popularity requirements and is the only user of the `.twin` extension. And where to read...

Now there is such a catalog of keywords: https://github.com/XusinboyBekchanov/VisualFBEditor/tree/master/Settings/Keywords Still need to consider how to implement this.

You can just overwrite the old version up new version too.

We will do it too over time

We will look at the possibilities

Added: OnButtonActivate event to ToolPalette: https://github.com/XusinboyBekchanov/MyFbFramework/commit/06085505874e50d0b13a5f92f32fc1d7c6f1c4e7 Improved: Now double-clicking or pressing Return on the ToolBox button creates a control in the designer: https://github.com/XusinboyBekchanov/VisualFBEditor/commit/40a23a0873a9e92ae614ec77364e54570f025d3e Now you can press Ctrl+T to call...

Added: Moving focus in the designer using Tab and Shift+Tab: https://github.com/XusinboyBekchanov/VisualFBEditor/commit/70d36c7d2dc0a7349909b9e65b9ef0a6db2b1aea