SDK更新1.1.1版本后相比1.0.2版本WLAN的带宽吞吐率确实改善很多,用jperf测试很容易超过8MBits,更新以前基本上不会超过5MBits, 但是测试发现在长时间播放在线音乐的过程中容易出现音乐中断的情况或者中途现网络掉线重联的情况。 调试发现基本上可以排除路由器和外网的问题, 直接用电脑PING 872的机器IP 在音乐卡的过程中PING也是超时的(PING不通)。
WAR [CQM] BSS lost.
ERR [CQM] Reporting connection loss.
[net INF] msg
[net INF] no need to switch wlan mode 0
en1: CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED bssid=94:d9:b3:a6:3c:97 reason=0WAR Issue unjoin command(TX) by self.
Issue unjoin.
[26196829][E][I_CODEC]Rx : overrun and stop dma rx...[3 2 3]249588 249576
[net INF] msg
[net INF] netif is link down
xplayer thread dealing with msg.messageId: 0x108
ERROR : awplayer CdxSockAsynRecv:542: <CdxSockAsynRecv,542>force stop
xplayer thread dealing with msg.messageId: 0x101
xplayer thread dealing with msg.messageId: 0x104
prepare finish
parser create success
parser create success
mp3 parser init success
[Cedarx OS porting INFO] pthread_create line 549, thread: 0x222f58 create success!
[Cedarx OS porting INFO] pthread_create line 549, thread: 0x2245d0 create success!
[net INF] msg
[net INF] no need to switch wlan mode 0
xplayer thread dealing with msg.messageId: 0x105
xplayer thread dealing with msg.messageId: 0x108
[net INF] no need to switch wlan mode 0
[26202597][E][I_CODEC]Rx : overrun and stop dma rx...[3 2 3]249631 249618
[26203038][E][I_CODEC]Rx : overrun and stop dma rx...[3 2 3]249634 249620
[net INF] msg
[net INF] no need to switch wlan mode 0
[net INF] no need to switch wlan mode 0
en1: Trying to associate with 94:d9:b3:a6:3c:97 (SSID='futureangel_1' freq=2462 MHz)
[net INF] msg
[net INF] no need to switch wlan mode 0
en1: Associated with 94:d9:b3:a6:3c:97
en1: WPA: Key negotiation completed with 94:d9:b3:a6:3c:97 [PTK=CCMP GTK=CCMP]
en1: CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED - Connection to 94:d9:b3:a6:3c:97 completed [id=0 id_str=]
[net INF] msg
[net INF] netif is down
WAR drop=1099, fctl=0x00d0.
[net INF] netif is link up
[net INF] DHCP is already started
[net INF] msg
[net INF] no need to switch wlan mode 0
[net INF] netif is up
[net INF] address:
[net INF] gateway:
[net INF] netmask:
[net INF] msg
由于这些打印的问题者是原厂打包到wlan的库里面的,麻烦原厂或者其它高手帮忙看看怎么解决! 感谢!!