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Screenshot Shenanigans


Screenshot Shenanigans - Scripts written for making screenshots of things like Telnet, RDP, VNC.
All largely written in Bash, because reasons.
See the notes below for each tool. This repo is going to undergo a lot of changes/updates, and probably will never reach a stable release, so caveat emptor.

First run to create the output directory structure.


  • xwd
  • rdesktop (rdesktop-vrdp on my box)
  • bash
  • ImageMagick 'convert'


What it does?
It creates a RDP connection to the target and takes a screenshot of it. Raw screenshots are stored in screenshots/rdp/raw directory. It then converts it to a JPG file in screenshots/rdp/jpg.

Parallel Use:
cat iplist.txt | parallel -j 20 ./

Known Bugs:
None yet. Probably loads.


  • xwd
  • vncviewer
  • bash
  • ImageMagick 'convert'


What it does?
It creates a VNC connection to the target and takes a screenshot of it. Raw screenshots are stored in screenshots/vnc/raw directory. It then converts to a JPG file in screenshots/vnc/jpg.

Parallel use:
cat iplist.txt | parallel -j 20 ./


  • xwd
  • xfce4-terminal (will replace with xterm sometime...)
  • bash
  • ImageMagick 'convert'
  • parallel


What it does?
It pops open a terminal window, opens a telnet connection to the target, waits a bit, and takes a screenshot. Raw screenshots are stored in screenshots/telnet/raw directory. It then converts to a JPG file in screenshots/telnet/jpg.

Parallel use:
cat iplist.txt | parallel -j 20 ./


  • xwd
  • x3270
  • bash
  • ImageMagick


What it does?
It pops open an x3270 session to the mainframe you want to have a nice chat over a cuppa tea with, waits a few seconds to connect, and takes a screenshot. Raw screenshots are stored in screenshots/3270/raw directory. It then converts to a JPG file in screenshots/3270/jpg directory.

Parallel use:
cat iplist.txt | parallel -j 20 ./

Well, mainframed767 does it better - instead of using sleep, using s3270 we can wait and do it better that way and do other cool stuff. I'll get on that.


  • xwd
  • bash
  • ImageMagick


What it does?
Uses xwd to take a screenshot of the target. Raw screenshots are stored in screenshots/x11/raw directory. JPG versions... Yep... You guessed it... In the screenshots/x11/jpg directory...

Parallel Use:
cat iplist.txt | parallel -j 20 ./

X11 sucks so loads probably...

TODO (sometime never lol)

  • Add x3270 screenshooter (mainframes!) (KINDA done)
  • Add ftp screenshooter
  • Add basic (Chrome based) HTTP/S screenshooter.
  • Add X11 screenshooter (Needs testing. only does display:0 for now.)
  • Add a 'port' argument to the tools.
  • Write a nmap output parser for automation.
  • Add option/tools for automatic brute forcing of services requiring credentials.
  • Add option to pass credentials and auto-enter credentials (using 'expect' scripts...)
  • Add other interesting services (databases, SSH, samba, etc) at some point.


Because mass screenshooting stuff is fun, and also, this toolset is incredibly handy for getting screenshots of large amounts of shit very fast for report writing while doing pentests and stuff. Way handier than manually entering shit and doing stuff slowly. Also, I personally find scrolling a dir of screenshots of stuff is super quick way to do triage.