TTGO_TWatch_Library copied to clipboard
Please add example for wake up from light sleep from the touch screen on v1.
In "TTGO_TWatch_Library/examples/BasicUnit/WakeupFormTouchScreen/WakeupFormTouchScreen.ino" seems like it is more about v3, and not sufficiently clearly speaks about v1 problem. In order to avoid misunderstandings, and misusing :
- Please add example which clearly shows how to use it on v1, and preferable with light sleep.
Thank You in advance.
Someone ?
Try replacing the call to displaySleep in loop() with the following code:
#if defined(LILYGO_WATCH_2020_V2)||defined(LILYGO_WATCH_2020_V3)
ttgo->displaySleep(); // Set touchscreen sleep
ttgo->displayOff(); // Set display off, touch controller to monitor
That seems to work for me. I also found it helpful to uncomment the following line while experimenting:
# esp_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup(GPIO_SEL_35,ESP_EXT1_WAKEUP_ALL_LOW);