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Request for Examples in Micropython
Can you provide some examples in Micropython that show using the wifi, and the LCD display?
I am trying to get the LCD working with Micropython and machine.SoftSPI. But would love some examples as well, as I still have a blank screen.
I am not using the default machine.SoftSPI and am instead using this https://github.com/russhughes/st7789_mpy custom build of micro python. However you could try setting phase to 1 in machine.SoftSPI, as that seemed to work for me.
You can refer to this project, the LCD pins are the same for both of them https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/LILYGO-T-display-RP2040/tree/main/example/MicroPython/TFT Do you need me to integrate the project?
You can refer to this project, the LCD pins are the same for both of them https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/LILYGO-T-display-RP2040/tree/main/example/MicroPython/TFT Do you need me to integrate the project?
A simple link to the firmware and hello world script would help very much. Especially with the pins and steps to get everything displayed.
I'd like to re-open the issue.
Please provide some examples in this repo that demonstrate the use of:
- The Wifi
- LCD Display
Some super simple example that at least gives us the module, and pins used.. For example I updated the Adafruit Circuit Python ESP_AT examples for another board:
The request is a simple example in MicroPython for the two main features of this board.
Thank you.
Screen stays blank, it lights up but nothing is projected on the screen.
I used this firmware T-DISPLAY-RP2040 And this tft-config.py tft-config.py
trying to display the hello.py example.
I will update the LCD with WIFI connection example shortly, the update is done with MicroPython and I will reply the link here
With the firmware from: https://github.com/russhughes/st7789_mpy/tree/b4aa060b74e2d2490770fa92310571f7602059f9/firmware/RP2 After a bunch of trial and error I have the following:
import machine import st7789 spi = machine.SPI(0, baudrate=40000000, polarity=1, sck=machine.Pin(2), mosi=machine.Pin(3)) display = st7789.ST7789(spi, 135, 240, reset=machine.Pin(0, machine.Pin.OUT), dc=machine.Pin(1, machine.Pin.OUT)) display.init() tft.fill(st7789.YELLOW)
gives no errors, but also doesnt display anything. Based on other examples I'd expect a Yellow screen.
I've also tried it with the same russhuges firmware. The folowing config: https://github.com/russhughes/st7789_mpy/blob/b4aa060b74e2d2490770fa92310571f7602059f9/examples/configs/tdisplay_rp2040/tft_config.py and the following test code: https://github.com/russhughes/st7789_mpy/blob/b4aa060b74e2d2490770fa92310571f7602059f9/examples/hello.py
Same.. No errors, but nothing displayed.
The tft_config_py needs to have phase = 1!:
def config(rotation=0, buffer_size=0, options=0):
Pin(22, Pin.OUT, value=1) spi = SPI(0, baudrate=62500000, polarity=1, phase=1, sck=Pin(2, Pin.OUT), mosi=Pin(3, Pin.OUT), miso=None)
Then do a reset of the board using the on-board reset switch. I'll do a quick youtube of how to get a board displaying the example text and make some smaller simpler demos as well. Still at zero progress on the Wifi. Any hints, tips, or clues appreciated.
I have integrated the ST7789 driver in this warehouse and will update it later https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/lilygo-micropython
Using WIFI, you can try to communicate with ESP32-C3. The pin definitions are described in detail in the schematic diagram on the home page. The esp-at directive is used by default. You can refer to this documentation on how to drive it https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esp-at/en/latest/esp32/index.html
Is there a recommended micropython library on the Pico side like the ones for circuitpython? Under CircuitPython there are helper libraries adafruit_espatcontrol, and adafruit_espatcontrol_wifimanager that allow the Pico to talk to the ESP-32 as a wifi co processor..
The tft_config_py needs to have phase = 1!:
def config(rotation=0, buffer_size=0, options=0):
Pin(22, Pin.OUT, value=1) spi = SPI(0, baudrate=62500000, polarity=1, phase=1, sck=Pin(2, Pin.OUT), mosi=Pin(3, Pin.OUT), miso=None)
Then do a reset of the board using the on-board reset switch. I'll do a quick youtube of how to get a board displaying the example text and make some smaller simpler demos as well. Still at zero progress on the Wifi. Any hints, tips, or clues appreciated.
That worked, Great work
Here's the link to a youtube video of me getting it to work: https://youtu.be/FJF95bNKVFQ
Thanks @mperino - that gets it working. I found it hard to identify the repo directories within the video, so have written out the instructions for reference. There was one 'error' - it is not necessary to copy the font across - the device already contains all the fonts used in the example programs. Several of the other examples also work without additional tweaks and show off the display nicely
- Boot the LilyGo-T-PicoC3 whilst pressing BOOTSEL button. From ‘firmware\T-DISPLAY-RP2040’, drag firmware.uf2 to the RPI-RP2 drive using File Explorer. NOTE that this IS NOT THE SAME as the standard firmware that would be loaded by Thonny.
- From ‘examples/configs/tdisplay_rp2040’ , copy tft_config.py to the RP2040. Open this file in Thonny. Edit the line ‘phase = 0’ to be ‘phase = 1’. Save.
- From ‘examples’, copy any or all of the following to the RP2040 and run: feathers.py, hershey.py, noto_fonts.py, scroll.py, hello.py
Adding a solution for the LCD display to this thread. I've noticed that the suggested russhughes library linked from this T-PicoC3 project has different versions. At the time of this comment, this file from this this project: https://github.com/Xinyuan-LilyGO/T-PicoC3/blob/main/example/Micropython/lcd_config/tft_config.py ...doesn't work with the russhughes library that is also linked from this same project: https://github.com/russhughes/st7789_mpy/tree/b2e790191a4833b5ef15ab0a851c0337967c8840 Here is what worked for me in 5 steps: 1. Install Raspberry Pico firmware onto the RP2040 chip using Thonny. 2. Get the library file from https://github.com/russhughes/st7789py_mpy/blob/master/lib/st7789py.py 3. For the font I used a bitmap from a different russhughes project (but any should work): https://github.com/russhughes/st7789_mpy/blob/b2e790191a4833b5ef15ab0a851c0337967c8840/fonts/bitmap/vga1_8x16.py 4. Save the following code as tft_config.py and include it in your main.py:
from machine import Pin, SoftSPI
from time import sleep
import st7789py as st7789
def config():
Pin(22, Pin.OUT, value=1)
spi = SoftSPI(
return st7789.ST7789(
reset=Pin(0, Pin.OUT),
cs=Pin(5, Pin.OUT),
dc=Pin(1, Pin.OUT),
backlight=Pin(4, Pin.OUT),
5. Finally, here is my example main.py program to display text on 4 lines in 4 different colors:
import st7789py as st7789
import tft_config
import vga1_8x16 as font
tft = tft_config.config()
tft.fill(0) #clears after previous display
def displayTxt(L1,L2,L3,L4):
x = chr(32)
#uses endSpace to clear the end of the line each time the line gets overwritten
endSpace = str(x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+x)
if L1:
if L2:
if L3:
if L4:
if __name__=='__main__':
displayTxt("Hello Line 1","Hello Line 2","Hello Line 3","Hello Line 4")
I have more examples of using the display whilst flashing the led with multithreading. Let me know if you're interested.
@mperino here is a solution for connecting to Wifi via the oboard ESP C3 chip with example code: 1. Install Raspberry Pico firmware onto the RP2040 chip using Thonny. 2. Use an ESP library. I tried many and settled on this one, it has some bugs but it does mostly what I need: https://github.com/heggiedavid/PIco-ESP01-MP/blob/main/esp.py 3. My program main.py file:
import time
from esp import ESP
esp = ESP(uart_id,tx_pin,rx_pin,baud_rate,tx_buffer,rx_buffer,debug=True)
secrets = {"ssid":"MY-SSID","password":"MY-PASSWORD"}
#wifi for esp co-processor devices
def wifiConnect():
print('SSID: '+secrets['ssid'])
print('Password: '+secrets['password'])
esp.send_at_cmd("AT+CWMODE=3\r\n", timeout=3)
return False
AP = esp.remote_AP
if AP[0] != secrets["ssid"]:
for i in range(3):
reply = esp.send_at_cmd('AT+CWJAP="' + secrets['ssid'] + '","' + secrets['password'] + '"', timeout=10, retries=3)
if (b"WIFI CONNECTED" in reply) or (b"WIFI GOT IP" in reply):
print("ESP wifi connected.")
return True
print("ESP wifi retry "+str(i))
print("ESP wifi fail after retries.")
return False
return False
if __name__=='__main__':
if wifiConnect():
print('Wifi connected.\r\n')
print('Wifi retry...\r\n')
I'm a beginner and I'm having difficulties because I don't have the examples with Display and with Wi-fi too, can someone help me please
I tried to use the examples given above but there seems to be a lack of code in the lib esp
@jimemo Hi, which software has to be installed on the esp32 part?
@jimemo: I installed factory_Mini-1.bin on the esp32. Changed in esp.py the following values (similar to the main.py): def init(self, uart_id=1, #0 tx_pin=8, #0 rx_pin=9, #1 baud_rate=115200, tx_buffer=2048, #1024 rx_buffer=2048, debug=False
an now it works. Now I'm looking for a solution to transmit some sensor-values via WLAN to a MQTT-server on a RaspberryPi.
I'm a beginner and I'm having difficulties because I don't have the examples with Display and with Wi-fi too, can someone help me please
I tried to use the examples given above but there seems to be a lack of code in the lib esp
I suggest you read the factory example, there will be the simplest way to use tft and wifi. You should create an issue.
@jimemo Hi, which software has to be installed on the esp32 part?
@hajulied I didn't change it, I used the factory esp32 firmware that came with the device. You should be able to find it in the repository.
Thank you, I forgot to edit my Post. I used it also in the descripton of my solution.