Capt. Michael

Results 20 issues of Capt. Michael

Make sure these boxes are checked before submitting your issue -- thank you! - [x] Check [FAQ]( and [Caveats]( - [x] Search if there's already one reported in Issues -...

Hi @jlouage , Do you still support this plugin? I have a question about how to remove margin/padding top and bottom of image. My code is: ```dart Container( alignment: Alignment.topCenter,...


如果SwipeMenuListView中只包含一种layout的ListItem,上下滚动时,列表中的项基本不会出错。但是如果根据情况在ListAdapter中判断输出两种layout(比如其中一种为分组标题项)的话,首次输出没有问题,但上下滚动时ListItem的顺序必然出错,而且很难看出位置出错的规律。 已使用ViewHolder来缓存View,但以前没使用ViewHolder的时候也会出现同样的问题。即使列表中各项的数据不存在任何异步操作,也会出现同样的问题。


``` npm uninstall hexo-qiniu-sync ``` 删除七牛插件,并将_config.yml中plugin和七牛配置信息清除掉后,hexo d、hexo g和hexo s指令,还是会加载qiniu插件,因此总是会报错:ERROR Plugin load failed: hexo-qiniu-sync hexo clean也执行过,还是报错。 请问如何解决?谢谢!

Hi Tim, Follow your guide of section [Setup as user homepage]( step by step, and I commit changes to my master branch, but when I load my site, there's no...

Hi, Does any one know how to support custom background for Wechat mini program? I tried way, it doesn't work. Thanks in advance!

Followed instruction part of [Doc]( as following: ![]( But when I try to preview my mini program, there's an error as following: ![]( _index1_ is my current main page, and...

Would you please consider supporting markdown in the Objective section, in case users prefer to emphasize something in bold font?