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Run the complete pipeline
Hi, thank you for your super-interesting tool.
I have some questions about the snakemake_config.yaml (If I plan to run all pipeline together using snakemake)
- This file has to stay in the IRIS folder? So, if I want to run IRIS on multiple batches of patients I cannot do this in parallel?
- If I want to run all steps to define the degree of association I only have to set run_all_modules at "true" and insert a list of normals in tissue_matched_normal_reference_group_names and tumors in tumor_reference_group_names?
- Which are the differences between tissue_matched_normal_reference_group_names and normal_reference_group_names?
- Can the user add its normal controls? And, if yes, how?
- What's the meaning of "blocklist"?
- What does mean comparison_mode "group" or "individual"?
- For which kind of analyses you suggest stat_test_type parametric or non parametric?
- Has sample_fastqs a maximum?
- Are novel events considered automatically?
- The parameter splice_event_type: has a user to run separately each event type?
Sorry to bother you, thank you, Serena