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Code for Switchable Whitening (ICCV2019)

Switchable Whitening (SW)


Xingang Pan, Xiaohang Zhan, Jianping Shi, Xiaoou Tang, Ping Luo. "Switchable Whitening for Deep Representation Learning", ICCV2019.


  • Switchable Whitening unifies various whitening and standardization techniques in a general form, and adaptively learns their importance ratios for different tasks.
  • This repo is for ImageNet classification. We also provide the code for Syncronized SW at models/ops/sync_switchwhiten.py, which could be used for detection and segmentation.


  • python>=3.6

  • pytorch>=1.0.1

  • others

    pip install -r requirements.txt


Top1/Top5 error on the ImageNet validation set are reported. The pretrained models with SW are available at google drive or BaiduYun(password: xkdi).

ResNet-50 23.58/7.00 23.10/6.55 23.31/6.72 22.07/6.04
ResNet-101 22.48/6.23 22.01/5.91 22.10/5.98 20.87/5.54
DenseNet-121 24.96/7.85 24.38/7.26 24.56/7.55 23.56/6.85
DenseNet-169 24.02/7.06 23.16/6.55 23.24/6.65 22.48/6.29

Before Start

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/XingangPan/Switchable-Whitening.git
  2. Download ImageNet dataset. You may follow the instruction at fb.resnet.torch to process the validation set.


  1. Train with nn.DataParallel
    sh experiments/resnet50_sw/run.sh  # remember to modify --data to your ImageNet path
  2. Distributed training based on slurm
    sh experiments/resnet50_sw/run_slurm.sh ${PARTITION}

Practical concerns

  • Inspired by IterativeNorm, SW is accelarated via Newton's iteration.
  • For SW, 4x64 (GPU number x batchsize) performs slightly better than 8x32.

Citing SW

  author = {Pan, Xingang and Zhan, Xiaohang and Shi, Jianping and Tang, Xiaoou and Luo, Ping},
  title = {Switchable Whitening for Deep Representation Learning},
  booktitle = {The IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
  month = {October},
  year = {2019}