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Error in running the code
I am getting the following error. Kindly help me to solve this issue Demo_TADT Attempt to execute SCRIPT vl_nnconv as a function: G:\Documents\TADT-master\matconvnet\matlab\vl_nnconv.m
Error in dagnn.Conv/forward (line 11) outputs{1} = vl_nnconv(...
Error in dagnn.Layer/forwardAdvanced (line 85) outputs = obj.forward(inputs, {net.params(par).value}) ;
Error in dagnn.DagNN/eval (line 91) obj.layers(l).block.forwardAdvanced(obj.layers(l)) ;
Error in get_subwindow_feature (line 37) net_feat.eval({'input',gpuArray(patch_sw)});
Error in tadt_tracking (line 63) feat_groups = get_subwindow_feature(net_feat, img, sw_location, input_sz, feat_layer);
Error in Demo_TADT (line 24) [result, fps]=tadt_tracking(seq_info.img_list, seq_info.gt(1,:), vgg16_model_path, display);
You may fix this kind of problems by removing the file vl_nnconv.m (under the path of G:\Documents\TADT-master\matconvnet\matlab\vl_nnconv.m ).
if i don't have any gpu,only cpu,can i run it?....i have run:There is a problem with the CUDA driver or with this GPU device. Be sure that you have a supported GPU and that the latest driver is installed.