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unable Export Hardware XSA as Vitis Custom Embedded Platform Creation Example on KV260
INFO: [Project 1-1042] Successfully generated hpfm file
unmatched open brace in #list
ERROR: [Common 17-69] Command failed: unmatched open brace in list
Hi @dongzhang2021 , could you attach the logs in Vivado console? I wish to check the Tcl command for export and the full error message. Thanks.
hi @imrickysu ,Is this part of the information?Thank you for your help
- `start_gui
- open_project /media/tnt/Workspace/Xilinx/kv260_202101/zc104_202101.xpr
- open_project /media/tnt/Workspace/Xilinx/kv260_202101/zc104_202101.xpr
- INFO: [Project 1-313] Project file moved from '/media/tnt/Workspace/Xilinx/zc104_202101' since last save.
- Scanning sources...
- Finished scanning sources
- INFO: [IP_Flow 19-234] Refreshing IP repositories
- INFO: [IP_Flow 19-1704] No user IP repositories specified
- INFO: [IP_Flow 19-2313] Loaded Vivado IP repository '/tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.1/data/ip'.
- INFO: [IP_Flow 19-3899] Cannot get the environment domain name variable for the component vendor name. Setting the vendor name to ''.
- open_project: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:15 ; elapsed = 00:00:05 . Memory (MB): peak = 7548.859 ; gain = 71.301 ; free physical = 49878 ; free virtual = 57760
- update_compile_order -fileset sources_1
- set_property pfm_name {xilinx:kv260:nam:0.0} [get_files -all {/media/tnt/Workspace/Xilinx/kv260_202101/zc104_202101.srcs/sources_1/bd/kv260_pl/}]
- set_property platform.uses_pr {false} [current_project]
- write_hw_platform -hw -force -file /media/tnt/Workspace/Xilinx/kv260_202101/kv260_pl_wrapper.xsa
- INFO: [Vivado 12-4895] Creating Hardware Platform: /media/tnt/Workspace/Xilinx/kv260_202101/kv260_pl_wrapper.xsa ...
- INFO: [Hsi 55-2053] elapsed time for repository (/tools/Xilinx/Vivado/2021.1/data/embeddedsw) loading 0 seconds
- WARNING: [BD 41-2589] Platform should have atleast one axi memory mapped master interface. Enable a master AXI interface as platform AXI_PORT.
- INFO: [Project 1-1042] Successfully generated hpfm file
- unmatched open brace in list
- ERROR: [Common 17-69] Command failed: unmatched open brace in list`
@imrickysu Sorry, I closed the question by mistake
I have the same behavior in 2021.2 version Is there a fix for this issue?
Hi @IvoBrandao , Dongzhang created another thread in but didn't add more reply. May I know which OS you're running? Is it Windows or Linux? Is there any modifications you made based on the reference files?
@imrickysu I'm running Ubuntu 20.04. I tried to create the platform from scratch, so I might have made some mistakes. I just started the Vivado project again and this time everything worked, as the tutorials mention. The weird thing is that I follow the same steps. So not sure why this problem appears. Anyway, thanks for following up on the question :+1: