Get_Moving_With_Alveo copied to clipboard
During "Memory object migration enqueue" in 03_buffer_map.cpp ...
Hi- I wanna take a look into the role of "enqueueMigrateMemObjects" during map/unmap buffer.
So, I comment out "Send the buffer down to the Alveo card" section like below.
// Send the buffers down to the Alveo card
et.add("Memory object migration enqueue");
cl::Event event_sp;
// q.enqueueMigrateMemObjects({a_buf, b_buf}, 0, NULL, &event_sp);
// clWaitForEvents(1, (const cl_event *)&event_sp);
Then, compile and run. It works well because the kernel is executed and the results are valid except that the "Memory object migration enqueue" is decreased.
xooxit@user:~/document/Get_Moving_With_Alveo/build$ ./03_buffer_map
-- Example 3: Allocate and Map Contiguous Buffers --
Loading alveo_examples.xclbin to program the Alveo board
Running kernel test with XRT-allocated contiguous buffers
OCL-mapped contiguous buffer example complete!
--------------- Key execution times ---------------
OpenCL Initialization : 202.436 ms
Allocate contiguous OpenCL buffers : 42.738 ms
Set kernel arguments : 0.010 ms
Map buffers to userspace pointers : 0.449 ms
Populating buffer inputs : 25.182 ms
Software VADD run : 18.837 ms
Memory object migration enqueue : 0.001 ms
OCL Enqueue task : 0.067 ms
Wait for kernel to complete : 100.938 ms
Read back computation results : 2.558 ms
My question is that
- when map/unmap scheme is used as data transfer between host memory and alveo memory, is it NECESSARY to use enqueueMigrateMemObjects for data transfer?
- If does or it is helpful, WHAT is the effect of enqueueMigrateMemObjects during map and unmap buffer?
Did you get any clarity on this?