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A paper list of image inpainting.
Awesome Image Inpainting
A curated list of Image Inpainting papers and resources.
- Traditional Methods
- Deep Generative Methods
Traditional Methods
- Image inpainting (SIGGRAPH 2000). Bertalmio, M., Sapiro, G., Caselles, V., & Ballester, C. [Paper]
- Simultaneous Structure and Texture Image Inpainting (TIP 2003). Bertalmio, M., Vese, L., Sapiro, G., & Osher, S. [Paper]
- Region Filling and Object Removal by Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting (TIP 2004). Criminisi, A., Pérez, P., & Toyama, K. [Paper]
- Image completion with structure propagation (ToG 2005). Sun, J., Yuan, L., Jia, J., & Shum, H. Y. [Paper]
- PatchMatch: A Randomized Correspondence Algorithm for Structural Image Editing (ToG 2009). Connelly Barnes, Eli Shechtman, Adam Finkelstein, Dan B Goldman [Paper][Project]
- Image Completion using Planar Structure Guidance (ToG 2014). Huang, J. B., Kang, S. B., Ahuja, N., & Kopf, J. [Paper][Code][Project]
Deep Generative Methods
- Shepard Convolutional Neural Networks (NIPS 2015). Ren, J. S., Xu, L., Yan, Q., & Sun, W. [Paper][Code]
- Context Encoders: Feature Learning by Inpainting (CVPR 2016). Pathak, D., Krahenbuhl, P., Donahue, J., Darrell, T., & Efros, A. A. [Paper][Code]
- Globally and Locally Consistent Image Completion (ToG 2017). Iizuka, S., Simo-Serra, E., & Ishikawa, H. [Paper][Code][Project]
- High-Resolution Image Inpainting using Multi-Scale Neural Patch Synthesis (CVPR 2017). Yang, C., Lu, X., Lin, Z., Shechtman, E., Wang, O., & Li, H. [Paper][Code]
- Generative Face Completion (CVPR 2017). Li, Y., Liu, S., Yang, J., & Yang, M. H. [Paper][Code]
- Semantic Image Inpainting with Deep Generative Models (CVPR 2017). Yeh, R. A., Chen, C., Yian Lim, T., Schwing, A. G., Hasegawa-Johnson, M., & Do, M. N. [Paper][Code][Project]
- Generative Image Inpainting with Contextual Attention (CVPR 2018). Yu, J., Lin, Z., Yang, J., Shen, X., Lu, X., & Huang, T. S. [Paper][Code][Project]
- Natural and Effective Obfuscation by Head Inpainting (CVPR 2018). Sun Qianru et al. [Paper]
- Eye In-Painting with Exemplar Generative Adversarial Networks (CVPR 2018). Dolhansky, B., & Canton Ferrer, C. [Paper][Code][Project]
- Disentangling Structure and Aesthetics for Style-aware Image Completion (CVPR 2018). Gilbert, A., Collomosse, J., Jin, H., & Price, B. [Paper]
- UV-GAN: Adversarial Facial UV Map Completion for Pose-invariant Face Recognition (CVPR 2018). Deng, J., Cheng, S., Xue, N., Zhou, Y., & Zafeiriou, S. [Paper]
- Image Inpainting for Irregular Holes Using Partial Convolutions (ECCV 2018). Liu, G., Reda, F. A., Shih, K. J., Wang, T. C., Tao, A., & Catanzaro, B. [Paper][Project]
- Contextual-based Image Inpainting: Infer, Match, and Translate (ECCV 2018). Song, Y., Yang, C., Lin, Z., Liu, X., Huang, Q., Li, H., & Jay Kuo, C. C. [Paper]
- Shift-Net: Image Inpainting via Deep Feature Rearrangement (ECCV 2018). Yan, Z., Li, X., Li, M., Zuo, W., & Shan, S. [Paper][Code]
- Image Inpainting via Generative Multi-column Convolutional Neural Networks (NIPS 2018). Wang, Y., Tao, X., Qi, X., Shen, X., & Jia, J. [Paper][Code]
- SPG-Net: Segmentation prediction and guidance network for image inpainting (BMVC 2018). Song, Y., Yang, C., Shen, Y., Wang, P., Huang, Q., & Kuo, C. C. J. [Paper]
- Structural inpainting (MM 2018). Vo, H. V., Duong, N. Q., & Pérez, P. [Paper]
- Semantic Image Inpainting with Progressive Generative Networks (MM 2018). Zhang, H., Hu, Z., Luo, C., Zuo, W., & Wang, M. [Paper][Code]
- Face Completion with Semantic Knowledge and Collaborative Adversarial Learning (ACCV 2018). Liao, H., Funka-Lea, G., Zheng, Y., Luo, J., & Zhou, S. K. [Paper]
- Edge-Aware Context Encoder for Image Inpainting (ICASPP 2018). Liao, L., Hu, R., Xiao, J., & Wang, Z. [Paper]
- FaceShop: Deep Sketch-based Face Image Editing (ToG 2018). Portenier, T., Hu, Q., Szabó, A., Bigdeli, S. A., Favaro, P., & Zwicker, M. [Paper]
- Pluralistic Image Completion (CVPR 2019). Zheng, C., Cham, T. J., & Cai, J. [Paper][Code][Project]
- Learning Pyramid-Context Encoder Network for High-Quality Image Inpainting (CVPR 2019). Zeng, Y., Fu, J., Chao, H., & Guo, B. [Paper][Code]
- Foreground-aware Image Inpainting (CVPR 2019). Xiong, W., Lin, Z., Yang, J., Lu, X., Barnes, C., & Luo, J. [Paper]
- PEPSI : Fast Image Inpainting with Parallel Decoding Network (CVPR 2019). Sagong, M. C., Shin, Y. G., Kim, S. W., Park, S., & Ko, S. J. [Paper]
- Generative Image Inpainting with Submanifold Alignment (IJCAI 2019). Ang Li, Jianzhong Qi, Rui Zhang, Xingjun Ma, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao. [Paper]
- MUSICAL: Multi-Scale Image Contextual Attention Learning for Inpainting (IJCAI 2019). Wang, N., Li, J., Zhang, L., & Du, B. [Paper]
- Coarse-to-Fine Image Inpainting via Region-wise Convolutions and Non-Local Correlation (IJCAI 2019). Ma, Y., Liu, X., Bai, S., Wang, L., He, D., & Liu, A. [Paper][Code]
- StructureFlow: Image Inpainting via Structure-aware Appearance Flow (ICCV 2019). Yurui Ren, Xiaoming Yu, Ruonan Zhang, Thomas H. Li, Shan Liu, Ge Li [Paper][Code]
- Coherent Semantic Attention for Image Inpainting (ICCV 2019). Hongyu Liu, Bin Jiang, Yi Xiao, Chao Yang [Paper][Code]
- Image Inpainting with Learnable Bidirectional Attention Maps (ICCV 2019). Chaohao Xie, Shaohui Liu, Chao Li, Ming-Ming Cheng, Wangmeng Zuo, Xiao Liu, Shilei Wen, Errui Ding [Paper][Code]
- Free-Form Image Inpainting with Gated Convolution (ICCV 2019 oral). Yu, J., Lin, Z., Yang, J., Shen, X., Lu, X., & Huang, T. S. [Paper][Code][Project]
- Progressive Reconstruction of Visual Structure for Image Inpainting (ICCV 2019). Jingyuan Li, Fengxiang He, Lefei Zhang, Bo Du, Dacheng Tao [Paper][Code]
- FiNet: Compatible and Diverse Fashion Image Inpainting (ICCV 2019 oral). Xintong Han, Zuxuan Wu, Weilin Huang, Matthew R. Scott, Larry S. Davis [Paper]
- SC-FEGAN: Face Editing Generative Adversarial Network with User's Sketch and Color (ICCV 2019). Youngjoo Jo, Jongyoul Park [Paper][Code]
- EdgeConnect: Structure Guided Image Inpainting using Edge Prediction (ICCVW 2019). Nazeri, K., Ng, E., Joseph, T., Qureshi, F., & Ebrahimi, M. [Paper][Code]
- Progressive Image Inpainting with Full-Resolution Residual Network (MM 2019). Zongyu Guo, Zhibo Chen, Tao Yu, Jiale Chen, Sen Liu [Paper][Code]
- Deep Fusion Network for Image Completion (MM 2019). Xin Hong, Pengfei Xiong, Renhe Ji, Haoqiang Fan [Paper][Code]
- GAIN: Gradient Augmented Inpainting Network for Irregular Holes (MM 2019). Jianfu Zhang, Li Niu, Dexin Yang, Liwei Kang, Yaoyi Li, Weijie Zhao, Liqing Zhang [Paper]
- Single-shot Semantic Image Inpainting with Densely Connected Generative Networks (MM 2019). Ling Shen, Richang Hong, Haoran Zhang, Hanwang Zhang, Meng Wang [Paper]
- Region Normalization for Image Inpainting (AAAI 2020). Tao Yu, Zongyu Guo, Xin Jin, Shilin Wu, Zhibo Chen, Weiping Li, Zhizheng Zhang, Sen Liu [Paper][Code]
- Learning to Incorporate Structure Knowledge for Image Inpainting (AAAI 2020). Jie Yang, Zhiquan Qi, Yong Shi [Paper][Code]
- Prior Guided GAN Based Semantic Inpainting (CVPR 2020). Avisek Lahiri, Arnav Kumar Jain, Sanskar Agrawal, Pabitra Mitra, Prabir Kumar Biswas [Paper]
- UCTGAN: Diverse Image Inpainting Based on Unsupervised Cross-Space Translation (CVPR 2020). Lei Zhao, Qihang Mo, Sihuan Lin, Zhizhong Wang, Zhiwen Zuo, Haibo Chen, Wei Xing, Dongming Lu [Paper]
- Recurrent Feature Reasoning for Image Inpainting (CVPR 2020). Jingyuan Li, Ning Wang, Lefei Zhang, Bo Du, Dacheng Tao [Paper][Code]
- Contextual Residual Aggregation for Ultra High-Resolution Image Inpainting (CVPR 2020). Zili Yi, Qiang Tang, Shekoofeh Azizi, Daesik Jang, Zhan Xu [Paper][Code]
- 3D Photography Using Context-Aware Layered Depth Inpainting (CVPR 2020). Meng-Li Shih, Shih-Yang Su, Johannes Kopf, Jia-Bin Huang [Paper][Code][Project]
- Learning Oracle Attention for High-Fidelity Face Completion (CVPR 2020). Tong Zhou, Changxing Ding, Shaowen Lin, Xinchao Wang, Dacheng Tao [Paper]
- Multistage Attention Network for Image Inpainting (Pattern Recognition 2020). N Wang, S Ma, J Li, Y Zhang, L Zhang [Paper]
- Rethinking image inpainting via a mutual encoder-decoder with feature equalization (ECCV 2020 oral). Hongyu Liu, Bin Jiang, Yibing Song, Wei Huang, Chao Yang [Paper]
- VCNet: A Robust Approach to Blind Image Inpainting (ECCV 2020). Yi Wang, Ying-Cong Chen, Xin Tao, Jiaya Jia [Paper]
- Guidance and Evaluation: Semantic-Aware Image Inpainting for Mixed Scenes (ECCV 2020). Liang Liao, Jing Xiao, Zheng Wang, Chia-wen Lin, Shin'ichi Satoh [Paper]
- High-Resolution Image Inpainting with Iterative Confidence Feedback and Guided Upsampling (ECCV 2020). Yu Zeng, Zhe Lin, Jimei Yang, Jianming Zhang, Eli Shechtman, Huchuan Lu [Paper][Project]
- Hyperrealistic Image Inpainting with Hypergraph (WACV 2021). Gourav Wadhwa, Abhinav Dhall, Subrahmanyam Murala, Usman Tariq [Paper] [Code]
- Multi-Level Generative Chaotic Recurrent Network for Image Inpainting (WACV 2021). Cong Chen, Amos Abbott, Daniel Stilwell [Paper]
- R-MNet: A Perceptual Adversarial Network for Image Inpainting (WACV 2021). Jireh Jam, Connah Kendrick, Vincent Drouard, Kevin Walker, Gee-Sern Hsu, Moi Hoon Yap [Paper] [Code]
- Large Scale Image Completion via Co-Modulated Generative Adversarial Networks (ICLR 2021). Shengyu Zhao, Jonathan Cui, Yilun Sheng, Yue Dong, Xiao Liang, Eric I Chang, Yan Xu [Paper] [Code]
- TransFill: Reference-Guided Image Inpainting by Merging Multiple Color and Spatial Transformations (CVPR 2021). Yuqian Zhou, Connelly Barnes, Eli Shechtman, Sohrab Amirghodsi [Paper] [Code]
- Image Inpainting With External-Internal Learning and Monochromic Bottleneck (CVPR 2021). Tengfei Wang, Hao Ouyang, Qifeng Chen [Paper] [Code]
- PD-GAN: Probabilistic Diverse GAN for Image Inpainting (CVPR 2021). Hongyu Liu, Ziyu Wan, Wei Huang, Yibing Song, Xintong Han, Jing Liao [Paper] [Code]
- Image Inpainting Guided by Coherence Priors of Semantics and Textures (CVPR 2021). Liang Liao, Jing Xiao, Zheng Wang, Chia-Wen Lin, Shin'ichi Satoh [Paper]
- Generating Diverse Structure for Image Inpainting With Hierarchical VQ-VAE (CVPR 2021). Jialun Peng, Dong Liu, Songcen Xu, Houqiang Li [Paper] [Code]
- Context-Aware Image Inpainting with Learned Semantic Priors (IJCAI 2021). Wendong Zhang, Junwei Zhu, Ying Tai, Yunbo Wang, Wenqing Chu, Bingbing Ni, Chengjie Wang, Xiaokang Yang [Paper] [Code]
- CR-Fill: Generative Image Inpainting With Auxiliary Contextual Reconstruction (ICCV 2021). Yu Zeng, Zhe Lin, Huchuan Lu, Vishal M. Patel [Paper] [Code]
- Parallel Multi-Resolution Fusion Network for Image Inpainting (ICCV 2021). Wentao Wang, Jianfu Zhang, Li Niu, Haoyu Ling, Xue Yang, Liqing Zhang [Paper]
- WaveFill: A Wavelet-Based Generation Network for Image Inpainting (ICCV 2021). Yingchen Yu, Fangneng Zhan, Shijian Lu, Jianxiong Pan, Feiying Ma, Xuansong Xie, Chunyan Miao [Paper] [Code]
- Distillation-Guided Image Inpainting (ICCV 2021). Maitreya Suin, Kuldeep Purohit, A. N. Rajagopalan [Paper]
- Learning a Sketch Tensor Space for Image Inpainting of Man-Made Scenes (ICCV 2021). Chenjie Cao, Yanwei Fu [Paper] [Code]
- Image Inpainting via Conditional Texture and Structure Dual Generation (ICCV 2021). Xiefan Guo, Hongyu Yang, Di Huang [Paper] [Code]
- High-Fidelity Pluralistic Image Completion With Transformers (ICCV 2021). Ziyu Wan, Jingbo Zhang, Dongdong Chen, Jing Liao [Paper] [Project] [Code]
- Resolution-robust Large Mask Inpainting with Fourier Convolutions (WACV 2022). Roman Suvorov, Elizaveta Logacheva, Anton Mashikhin, Anastasia Remizova, Arsenii Ashukha, Aleksei Silvestrov, Naejin Kong, Harshith Goka, Kiwoong Park, Victor Lempitsky [Paper] [Project] [Code]