HiCPeaks copied to clipboard
pyBHFDR can't find weight column
pyBHFDR -O K562-MboI-BHFDR-loops.txt -p Ga.40000.a.cool::40000 -C 4 --pw 1 --ww 3
root INFO @ 10/08/23 15:58:09: Python Version: 3.6.15 root INFO @ 10/08/23 15:58:09:
Output file = K562-MboI-BHFDR-loops.txt
Cooler URI = Ga.40000.cool::40000
Chromosomes = ['4']
Peak window width = 1
Donut width = 3
Maximum donut width = 10
Significant Level = 0.05
Maximum Genomic distance = 2000000
Weight column name = weight
Number of Processes = 1
root INFO @ 10/08/23 15:58:10: Loading Hi-C data ...
root INFO @ 10/08/23 15:58:10: Calling Peaks ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/data/Software/miniconda3/envs/TADlib/bin/pyBHFDR", line 185, in cooler.balance_cooler
to calculate balancing weights or set balance=False.
toCooler -O Ga.40000.a.cool -d datasets --chromsizes-file aa.leng --no-balance --nproc 1
root INFO @ 10/08/23 16:06:11: Python Version: 3.6.15 root INFO @ 10/08/23 16:06:11:
Output cooler path = Ga.40000.a.cool
Hi-C datasets = {40000: '/gpfs/Project/wangzw_Project/TDA_analysis/test/HiCPeaks/40K'}
Chromosomes = ['#', 'X']
Include trans-chromosomal data = False
Genome Assembly = None
Chromosome size file = aa.leng
Number of processes = 1
Log file name = tocooler.log
hicpeaks.utilities INFO @ 10/08/23 16:06:12: Read chromosome sizes from /gpfs/Project/wangzw_Project/TDA_analysis/test/HiCPeaks/aa.leng hicpeaks.utilities INFO @ 10/08/23 16:06:12: Done hicpeaks.utilities INFO @ 10/08/23 16:06:12: Extract and save data into cooler format for each resolution ... hicpeaks.utilities INFO @ 10/08/23 16:06:12: Current resolution: 40000bp hicpeaks.utilities INFO @ 10/08/23 16:06:12: Generate bin table ...
first, do toCooler convert txt file to cool file format .
then call peaks using pyBHFDR , has some error message . don't know how to solve it.
I have the same problem. Have you solved it
I have met the same problem. Can someone help me?
I have met the same problem. Can someone help me?
I have addressed this by setting the reference genome to hg19 instead of hg38 in toCooler, because I found that using hg38 may cause the matrix in cooler file not square.