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The file module needs to add a few performance-related unit tests.
The code of the file module is aligned with the Java 20 version.
Docean needs to support the ability to extend Ozhera (added a plugin, modified the logic of class searching).
- [ ] mybatis-plugin export mapperstatement
ozhera-all -> ozhera-all 已拆分为独立仓库:
Due to renaming requirements, some changes in ozhera-operator that involve renaming from 'hera' to 'ozhera' need to undergo regression testing, and some issues have been fixed.
In `mone/ozhera-all/trace-etl/trace-etl-es/src/main/java/com/xiaomi/hera/trace/etl/es/consumer/`, the `insertRocks` method uses two locks to ensure thread safety. However, based on monitoring observations, these two locks seem to block requests to write into rocksdb, reducing the...
1.目前ozhera提供了一个k8s operator部署文档,对于想快速体验效果的可以按operator操作; 2.想进行源码级改动的,我们会出一份详细的编译、构建文档 3.对于ozhera源码项目 建议使用者具备一定的云原生基础,比如K8S、Opentelemetry、JDK20使用经验等