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MACE is a deep learning inference framework optimized for mobile heterogeneous computing platforms.

Results 65 mace issues
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mace 的大神们好, opencl 提供了 image2darray, 那么在实现 opencl kernel 过程中为什么没有选择 2darray, 而是转换成了 image 2d 的形式进行计算 ?

Before you open an issue, please make sure you have tried the following steps: 1. Make sure your **environment** is the same with ( 2. Have you ever read the...

contribution welcome

Before you open an issue, please make sure you have tried the following steps: 1. Make sure your **environment** is the same with ( 2. Have you ever read the...

Dear MACE group: I have one question. Does MACE support the LRN layer? I have run a AlexNet, it has 2 LRN layers,.However, I couldn't convert it successfully.(您好,我想知道MACE目前支持LRN层么,我跑了AlexNet,在convert的时候就没有成功,用的是SNPE Demo里面的AlexNet,这个网络有2层LRN) Best...

contribution welcome

`Exception: Mace does not support caffe op type LRN yet`

contribution welcome

This is not a real issue but a question. Is Xiaomi still maintain the MACE repo?

Before you open an issue, please make sure you have tried the following steps: 1. Make sure your **environment** is the same with ( 2. Have you ever read the...

Large language models are very popular now. I would like to ask if there is support for large models similar to llama. :)

mace 中的 卷积是通过 Supernode_8x8p32to8 完成的。 但在运行过程中,发现输入数据的 channel 大于 4就会报错 “Make this code work for input depth > 4”。 接着,查找高通的源码(sdk 3.5.4),发现在 op_supernode_new.c line 5476 中。 请问这是正常的吗?

### System information -**环境配置docker pull - **OS Platform and Distribution**:20.04.1-Ubuntu - **NDK version**:android-ndk-r18b - **GCC version**:gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.11) - **MACE version** - **Python version**: Python 2.7.12...