Asuswrt-Merlin-Linux-Shell-Scripts copied to clipboard
Miscellaneous Linux Shell Scripts developed for Asuswrt-Merlin
Miscellaneous Linux Shell Scripts developed for Asuswrt-Merlin firmware
profile.add adds environment variables when a user logs in over an SSH session. This is a good place to create command line short cuts or custom commands that you can run from an SSH command line.
Command Line Short Cuts
Usage: help
Command List:
Chk_ADNS List OpenVPN DNS Settings
clients List hostname, IP address and MAC address for LAN clients
js cd /jffs/scripts
jc cd /jffs/configs
ld cd /opt/var/log
liststats List number of entries in each IPSET list
listiface List status of WAN and OpenVPN interfaces
MatchIP Check IP against IPSET lists to see if the IP address exists
Usage: MactchIP 111.222.333.444
purge_routes Purge policy routing rules
routes Alternative to 'ip routes' command
tree Similar to the Unix 'tree' command to list directories
ltree List directories and files in each directory
profile.add Installation
/usr/sbin/curl --retry 3 "" -o "/jffs/configs/profile.add"
You must open up a new SSH session to run the commands.
Displays WAN and OpenVPN Interfaces and their connectivity status. In addition, the script will check if the router uses the ad blocking software called Diversion. If Diversion is installed, the script will examine the Accept DNS Configuration OpenVPN client setting for active OpenVPN clients.
If Accept DNS Exclusive is set to Exclusive and Redirect Internet Traffic is set to Policy Rules or Policy Rules (Strict), instruct the user that Diversion will not work over the VPN tunnel and provide instructions for the work-around solution. Installation
/usr/sbin/curl --retry 3 "" -o "/jffs/scripts/" && chmod 755 /jffs/scripts/ && sh /jffs/scripts/
The 384 code base limits the total length of dhcp_staticlist to 2999 characters. As a result, the update of dhcp_staticlist will fail if it exceeds the 2999 character limit. A workaround to the size limit is to manually configure dhcp static leases in dnsmasq instead of using the Web GUI. Or, do that for just a few to reduce the 2999 character limit used by the Web GUI. In Ausswrt-Merlin, add the dhcp static leases to /jffs/configs/dnsmasq.conf.add. The format is below.
1440 minutes is the default lease time. Make sure to disable Manual Assignment of DHCP leases on the LAN page. Then, reboot the router for the settings to take effect. is a helpful utility script to manage DHCP static leases. The script displays a menu with the following functions:
Save nvram dhcp_staticlist and dhcp_hostnames to /opt/tmp. This will allow you to restore the values after performing a factory reset.
Restore nvram dhcp_staticlist and dhcp_hostnames from /opt/tmp/.
Preview dhcp_staticlist and dhcp_hostnames in dnsmasq format.
Append Output DHCP Static List to /jffs/configs/dnsmasq.conf.add & Disable Manual Assignment in the WAN GUI. You will then be prompted to reboot the router to have the settings take effect.
Disable DHCP Manual Assignment.
Enable DHCP Manual Assignment.
Backup nvram dhcp_staticlist and dhcp_hostnames to /opt/tmp/ and clear nvram values.
Display character size of dhcp_staticlist and dhcp_hostnames. Installation
/usr/sbin/curl --retry 3 "" -o "/jffs/scripts/" && chmod 755 /jffs/scripts/ && sh /jffs/scripts/
wan-event script
Firmware version 384.15 introduced the /jffs/scripts/wan-event script.
The first parameter passed to wan-event will be the WAN unit (0 for first WAN, 1 for secondary). The second parameter passed to wan-event will be a string describing the type of event (init, connected, etc...). A wan-event of type "connected" will be identical to when the original wan-start script was being run. wan-start should be considered deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
wan-event {0 | 1} {connecting | connected | disconnected | init | stopped | stopping }
Example script names run by wan-event:
wan0-stopping, wan0-stopped, wan0-connected, wan0-disconnected, wan0-init, wan0-stopped, wan0-stopping
wan-event Installation
/usr/sbin/curl --retry 3 "" -o "/jffs/scripts/wan-event" && chmod 755 /jffs/scripts/wan-event