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The adapter continuously calculates the moving average. What you are trying to do is not possible. If the washing machine draws no power for a short time, it is switched...
I don't think you understand the problem. Your washing machine will switch off again for every short period without power consumption. If your machine draws no power for, say, 1...
Oh, I thought you wanted to switch off the machine via the adapter. And you are of the opinion that it makes a difference whether it recognizes the whole thing...
@foxriver76 I no longer have it in the adapter. It just failed when I was testing it. No, when name3 is fixed, saving is enabled. It looks like it really...
@GermanBluefox @Apollon77 ich nutze seit gestern auch Alias. Mein Log wird regelmäßig geflutet mit den gleichen Meldungen JS-Controller : 5.0.17 Admin : 6.13.15 Node-JS : 18.19.0 Hier ein Alias RAW...
I will check. But it must then be possible to end the loop with an external signal
ich nehme das Thema bei Version 2.0 mit auf
Hello, thank you for the issue. This is already known, but will not be changed for the time being, as there will be a new version 4. Everything else in...