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:tophat: Terminal, neovim and swaywbspwm configuration
Pretty, consistent configuration for neovim, zsh alacritty and bspwm.
Four workspaces. No need for more 👍
Minimalistic config files. Not overriding defaults or copying example files whenever possible
Mostly distraction-free. Minimal info in the bar
Terminal-centric, keyboard-centric
Material <>
_ based colors almost everywhere. OC alacritty (partial) port, polybar, bspwm and rofi. Wherever not possible, "dark material" colours are used (materia-dark for gtk, altough no GTK app is being shown) -
Modern NeoVIM config with all the new stuff (treesitter, dap, lsp...)
- Custom which-key menu
- Mostly python-oriented configurations
- Lua configuration from scratch
ZSH configuration with the same filosophy
Wallpaper on screenshots (you'll need to place it on .wallpaper.png on your
home) is from Wallpapercave <>
Works well with my moonlander configuration <>
.. contents:: :local:
There's no better way to show a rice than screenshots. Here goes clean, neovim and tmux:
.. image:: ./docs/clean.png
.. image:: ./docs/neovim.png
.. image:: ./docs/rofi.png
.. image:: ./docs/tmux_ncmpcpp.png
.. image:: ./docs/dunst.png
Mandatory gif too:
.. image:: ./docs/main.gif
Global installation
Tested on:
- Debian testing
- Ubuntu 20.04
- ArchLinux
Uses DotBot to install, should work on any system with:
- git
- curl
- python
- yay or apt
You can install prettierTerminal with one single command:
.. code:: bash
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Or, the more traditional way
.. code:: bash
git clone cd prettierTerminal bash
Manual dependencies installation
- neovim nightly
alacritty <>
Fira Code Font (patched by nerd fonts) <>
_ - lazygit, node, pyright, lsd, zsh
- Materia gtk theme
NeoVIM configuration
.. image:: docs/neovim.png
This is a kiss but fully featured neovim configuration, with IDE-like features preconfigured, mainly for python development
- Lots of UI goodies. Makes the experience a tad similar to modern IDEs, without most of the crappy parts.
- Wichkey with preconfigured menus
- Git management with lazygit
- Database administration UI
- The trinity of modern neovim configs:
- Treesitter-based syntax highlighting
- Debugger with DAP
- LSP (requires pyright to be installed for python)
:warning: This requires a really recent version of neovim <>
_ nightly.
Press leader (,) to see a nice menu with the leader-prefixed keybindings. Default vim keybindings will work as usuarl
Neovim-nightly is required, with:
- python3
- pip
- nodejs
- pyright (pip install pyright)
- lazygit (you'll have to manually install this one)
ZSH Configuration
For ZSH, it installs ZINIT <>
_, my
currently-favourite zsh plugin manager.
It will install a few plugins, the pure <>
_ zsh theme, and the following binaries:
- Enhanced cat with automatic syntax highlighting and paging -
fzf <>
Fuzzy finder. Configured with Ctrl+R keys.
The plugins currently installed are:
zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions <>
_ -
zdharma/fast-syntax-highlighting <>
_ -
desyncr/auto-ls <>
_ -
MichaelAquilina/zsh-auto-notify <>
_ -
junegunn/fzf <>
_ -
BSPWM configuration
BSPWM is a lightweight tiling window manager
.. image:: ./docs/clean.png
Keybindings are defined in sxhkdrc
To use this bspwm configuration, you'd need:
- bspwm
- rofi
- sxhkd
- polybar
- i3lock-fancy
- materia-gtk-theme
The hardware
If you have a moonlander ⌨️, I'm using some features (tap dance, layers...) to use bspwm without having to press two keys at the same time. Pretty much like vim's leader key. I've linked my moonlander configuration on the repository
I'm using mautrix-* + gomuks as my main communications platform, khal to manage my nextcloud calendars, and neovim with neorg for my todo lists, wich covers all my basic needs.
Works well with less than 1gb ram (if you don't use firefox/chrome, that is)