r18-ripper copied to clipboard
Ripping off purchased Japanese adult video from r18.com
Rips purchased japanese adult video off r18.com.
git clone https://github.com/Xavier-Lam/r18-ripper.git
cd r18-ripper
python setup.py install
You need to capture the m3u8 request to get the url to download.
r18-ripper <m3u8url> -o file.ts
r18-ripper [-h] [-b BANDWIDTH] -o OUTPUT_FILE [--proxy PROXY] [-r] [-s SLICE] [--trusted-proxy] [-u USER_AGENT] uri
positional arguments:
uri m3u8 stream address
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
choose the bandwidth of the stream
-o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
--proxy PROXY using a proxy to get stream
-r, --raw save raw ts files to disk
-s SLICE, --slice SLICE
--trusted-proxy ignore server certification errors when using a proxy
-u USER_AGENT, --user-agent USER_AGENT
customize user-agent string
Got response status code 429
This may caused by requests your stream too frequently, capture another m3u8 url to download may solve the problem. If you got a 503 status code, just visit the m3u8 url directly in your browser to pass the cloudflare's check.
Downloaded ts file can't play
Capture a new url and re-rip the stream.
Known issues
I ripped two videos from r18.com, and when I use ffmpeg to check these videos' errors, it reported many 'Application provided invalid, non monotonically increasing dts to muxer in stream' errors, I don't know why these errors happened and if I should ignore them or not. I watched these video and these video looks fine.