QHack2023 copied to clipboard
QHack 2023
Project Name: Avoiding Barren Plateaus in Variational Quantum Algorithms Team Name: TheBarrenPlateaus Abstract: The barren plateau phenomenon is one of the main issues to solve in order to attain practical...
Project Name: Histopathological Cancer Detection using Hybrid Quantum Computing. Team Name: ERS_CRRCT23 Which challenges would you like to submit your project for? Quantum Computing today. Hybrid Quantum Classical computing challenge....
# Project Name: - Accelerating Noisy Algorithm Research with PennyLane-Lightning and NVIDIA cuQuantum SDK # Team Name: - MFC # Which challenges would you like to submit your project for?...
Project Name: Quantum Neural Network Autoencoder Team Name: Quantum Synapse Which challenges would you like to submit your project for? Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computing Challenge Quantum computing today! Project Link: https://github.com/Innanov/Quantum-Synapse/commit/a00170984b056a7d1e6ef5147688ca76c41d3ddd
Project Name: Simulations of BeH2 Team Name: The Entangled Cats Which challenges would you like to submit your project for? Quantum Chemistry Challenge Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computing Challenge Quantum computing today!...
Project Name: Quantum-inspired Generative models Team Name: Amana Which challenges would you like to submit your project for? Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computing Challenge Quantum computing today! QEC and Compilation Challenge Project...
Project Name: Team Name: Sky Barley Which challenges would you like to submit your project for? NVIDIA Challenge : We exploited cuQauntum and QODA for executing the quantum circuits. Quantum...
### Project Name: Increasing Quantum Advantage with Tailored QAOA for 1-in-3 SAT ### Team Name: CalculoMinimus ### Which challenges would you like to submit your project for? Hybrid Quantum-Classical Computing...
Project Name: Quantum Natural Language Generation Team Name: QhaQer Project Description: The emergence of noisy medium-scale quantum devices has led to proof-of-concept applications for quantum computing in various domains. Examples...
## Project Name: Implementing traversable wormhole dynamics on a quantum processor ## Team Name: YellowSubmarine [Dohun Kim](https://github.com/yh08037) [Yuri Han](https://github.com/urihan) ## Which challenges would you like to submit your project for?...