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Before posting a bug report
- [X] I have searched exisisting GitHub issues to make sure the issue does not already exist.
Expected behavior
I expect to be able to handle reasonable states within my computers memory
Actual behavior
For some states, mrmustard throws a MemoryError:
MemoryError: Unable to allocate 564. GiB for an array with shape (194481, 194481) and data type complex128
Reproduces how often
For me it happens if I do 2 rounds of breeding with 2-mode GBS states produced by detecting 20 photons, using autoshape max cutoff of 40
System information
Mr Mustard: a differentiable bridge between phase space and Fock space.
Copyright 2021 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.
Python version: 3.10.14
Platform info: Windows-10-10.0.19045-SP0
Installation path:
Mr Mustard version: 0.7.3
Numpy version: 1.23.5
Numba version: 0.59.1
Scipy version: 1.14.1
The Walrus version: 0.21.0
TensorFlow version: 2.17.0
Source code
import mrmustard.lab_dev as mm
import numpy as np
# GBS state
state = (
mm.SqueezedVacuum(modes=[0, 1], r=[0.75, -0.75])
>> mm.BSgate(modes=[0, 1], theta=0.9)
>> mm.Number(modes=[0], n=20).dual
state = state.normalize()
# Breed 1st round
state2 = (
(state.on([0]) >> state.on([1]))
>> mm.BSgate(modes=[0, 1], theta=np.pi / 4)
>> mm.QuadratureEigenstate(modes=[1], phi=np.pi / 2).dual
# Breed 2nd round
state3 = (
(state2.on([0]) >> state2.on([1]))
>> mm.BSgate(modes=[0, 1], theta=np.pi / 4)
>> mm.QuadratureEigenstate(modes=[1], phi=np.pi / 2).dual
# Do something on output state
MemoryError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[13], line 27
20 state3 = (
21 (state2.on([0]) >> state2.on([1]))
22 >> mm.BSgate(modes=[0, 1], theta=np.pi / 4)
23 >> mm.QuadratureEigenstate(modes=[1], phi=np.pi / 2).dual
24 )
26 # Do something on output state
---> 27 state3.normalize()
File c:\Users\jacob\miniconda3\envs\mrmustard_dev\lib\site-packages\mrmustard\lab_dev\states\, in Ket.normalize(self)
1146 def normalize(self) -> Ket:
1147 r"""
1148 Returns a rescaled version of the state such that its probability is 1
1149 """
-> 1150 return self / math.sqrt(self.probability)
File c:\Users\jacob\miniconda3\envs\mrmustard_dev\lib\site-packages\mrmustard\lab_dev\states\, in Ket.probability(self)
957 @property
958 def probability(self) -> float:
959 r"""Probability of this Ket (L2 norm squared)."""
--> 960 return self.L2_norm
File c:\Users\jacob\miniconda3\envs\mrmustard_dev\lib\site-packages\mrmustard\lab_dev\states\, in State.L2_norm(self)
137 @property
138 def L2_norm(self) -> float:
139 r"""
140 The `L2` norm squared of a ``Ket``, or the Hilbert-Schmidt norm of a ``DM``.
141 """
--> 142 return math.sum(math.real(self >> self.dual))
File c:\Users\jacob\miniconda3\envs\mrmustard_dev\lib\site-packages\mrmustard\lab_dev\states\, in Ket.__rshift__(self, other)
1173 def __rshift__(self, other: CircuitComponent | Scalar) -> CircuitComponent | Batch[Scalar]:
1174 r"""
1175 Contracts ``self`` and ``other`` (output of self into the inputs of other),
1176 adding the adjoints when they are missing. Given this is a ``Ket`` object which
1185 and a (batched) scalar if there are no wires left, for convenience.
1186 """
-> 1187 result = super().__rshift__(other)
1188 if not isinstance(result, CircuitComponent):
1189 return result # scalar case handled here
File c:\Users\jacob\miniconda3\envs\mrmustard_dev\lib\site-packages\mrmustard\lab_dev\, in CircuitComponent.__rshift__(self, other)
820 other_needs_ket = (s_b and s_k) and (not o_k and o_b)
822 if only_ket or only_bra or both_sides:
--> 823 ret = self @ other
824 elif self_needs_bra or self_needs_ket:
825 ret = self.adjoint @ (self @ other)
File c:\Users\jacob\miniconda3\envs\mrmustard_dev\lib\site-packages\mrmustard\lab_dev\, in CircuitComponent.__matmul__(self, other)
732 self_rep = self.to_bargmann().representation
733 other_rep = other.to_bargmann().representation
--> 735 rep = self_rep[idx_z] @ other_rep[idx_zconj]
736 rep = rep.reorder(perm) if perm else rep
737 return CircuitComponent._from_attributes(rep, wires_result, None)
File c:\Users\jacob\miniconda3\envs\mrmustard_dev\lib\site-packages\mrmustard\physics\, in Bargmann.__matmul__(self, other)
517 for A1, b1, c1 in zip(self.A, self.b, self.c):
518 for A2, b2, c2 in zip(other.A, other.b, other.c):
--> 519 Abc.append(contract_two_Abc_poly((A1, b1, c1), (A2, b2, c2), idx_s, idx_o))
521 A, b, c = zip(*Abc)
522 return Bargmann(A, b, c)
File c:\Users\jacob\miniconda3\envs\mrmustard_dev\lib\site-packages\mrmustard\physics\, in contract_two_Abc_poly(Abc1, Abc2, idx1, idx2)
446 def contract_two_Abc_poly(
447 Abc1: tuple[ComplexMatrix, ComplexVector, ComplexTensor],
448 Abc2: tuple[ComplexMatrix, ComplexVector, ComplexTensor],
449 idx1: Sequence[int],
450 idx2: Sequence[int],
451 ):
452 r"""
453 Returns the contraction of two ``(A,b,c)`` triples with given indices.
467 The contracted ``(A,b,c)`` triple
468 """
--> 469 Abc = join_Abc_poly(Abc1, Abc2)
471 dim_n1 = len(Abc1[2].shape)
472 return complex_gaussian_integral(
473 Abc, idx1, tuple(n + Abc1[0].shape[-1] - dim_n1 for n in idx2), measure=-1.0
474 )
File c:\Users\jacob\miniconda3\envs\mrmustard_dev\lib\site-packages\mrmustard\physics\, in join_Abc_poly(Abc1, Abc2)
413 A12 = math.block(
414 [
415 [
439 ]
440 )
441 b12 = math.concat((b1[:dim_m1], b2[:dim_m2], b1[dim_m1:], b2[dim_m2:]), axis=-1)
--> 442 c12 = math.reshape(math.outer(c1, c2), c1.shape + c2.shape)
443 return A12, b12, c12
File c:\Users\jacob\miniconda3\envs\mrmustard_dev\lib\site-packages\mrmustard\math\, in BackendManager.outer(self, array1, array2)
892 def outer(self, array1: Tensor, array2: Tensor) -> Tensor:
893 r"""The outer product of ``array1`` and ``array2``.
895 Args:
900 The outer product of array1 and array2
901 """
--> 902 return self._apply("outer", (array1, array2))
File c:\Users\jacob\miniconda3\envs\mrmustard_dev\lib\site-packages\mrmustard\math\, in BackendManager._apply(self, fn, args)
109 # pylint: disable=raise-missing-from
110 raise NotImplementedError(msg)
--> 111 return attr(*args)
File c:\Users\jacob\miniconda3\envs\mrmustard_dev\lib\site-packages\mrmustard\math\, in Autocast.__call__.<locals>.wrapper(backend, *args, **kwargs)
74 @wraps(func)
75 def wrapper(backend, *args, **kwargs):
76 args, kwargs = self.cast_all(backend, *args, **kwargs)
---> 77 return func(backend, *args, **kwargs)
File c:\Users\jacob\miniconda3\envs\mrmustard_dev\lib\site-packages\mrmustard\math\, in BackendNumpy.outer(self, array1, array2)
280 @Autocast()
281 def outer(self, array1: np.ndarray, array2: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
--> 282 return np.tensordot(array1, array2, [[], []])
File <__array_function__ internals>:180, in tensordot(*args, **kwargs)
File c:\Users\jacob\miniconda3\envs\mrmustard_dev\lib\site-packages\numpy\core\, in tensordot(a, b, axes)
1136 at = a.transpose(newaxes_a).reshape(newshape_a)
1137 bt = b.transpose(newaxes_b).reshape(newshape_b)
-> 1138 res = dot(at, bt)
1139 return res.reshape(olda + oldb)
File <__array_function__ internals>:180, in dot(*args, **kwargs)
MemoryError: Unable to allocate 564. GiB for an array with shape (194481, 194481) and data type complex128
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