
Results 163 comments of XamlTest

Verified this on VS 17.10.0 Preview 2.0(8.0.14). Repro on iOS 17.2 and MacCatalyst, not repro on Android 14.0-API34. [SwipeItemInFlyout.zip](https://github.com/dotnet/maui/files/14754486/SwipeItemInFlyout.zip) https://github.com/dotnet/maui/assets/97647558/5278b766-a302-4c12-ae27-91243f85818a

Verified this on VS 17.10.0 Preview 2.0(8.0.14). Repro on Windows 11, Android 14.0-API34, iOS 17.2 and MacCatalyst with provided Project: [DynamicInnerView.zip](https://github.com/dotnet/maui/files/14832833/DynamicInnerView.zip)

Verified this on 8.0.14. Repro on MacCatalyst with below Project: [MauiApp1.zip](https://github.com/dotnet/maui/files/14800343/MauiApp1.zip)

Verified this on VS 17.10.0 Preview 2.0(8.0.14). Repro on Windows 11 iOS 17.2 and MacCatalyst, not repro on Android 14.0-API34 with below Project: [StepperBindingIncrement.zip](https://github.com/dotnet/maui/files/14753775/StepperBindingIncrement.zip) ![Stepper](https://github.com/dotnet/maui/assets/97647558/c49d09ba-e63d-4887-878a-1147627d5ca6)

Verified this on VS 17.10.0 Preview 2.0(8.0.10). Repro on iOS 17.2 with below Project: [iOSLandscapeBug.zip](https://github.com/dotnet/maui/files/14716475/iOSLandscapeBug.zip)

Verified this on VS 17.10.0 Preview 2.0(8.0.10). Repro on iOS 17.2 and MacCatalyst, not repro on Windows 11, Android 14.0-API34 with provided project.

Verified this on VS 17.10.0 Preview 2.0(8.0.7). Repro on Windows 11, Android 14.0-API34, iOS 17.2 and MacCatalyst with below Project: [MauiApp8.zip](https://github.com/dotnet/maui/files/14646370/MauiApp8.zip)

Verified this on VS 17.10.0 Preview 2.0(8.0.7). Project: [MauiLayouts.zip](https://github.com/dotnet/maui/files/14585697/MauiLayouts.zip) On Android 13.0-API33, Buttons with their labels center aligned become left aligned after the screen has been rotated. On Android 14.0-API34,...

Verified this on VS 17.10.0 Preview 1.0(8.0.6). Repro on Windows 11, not repro on Android 14.0-API34 with below Project: [TestMenuItemsWinUI.zip](https://github.com/dotnet/maui/files/14522197/TestMenuItemsWinUI.zip)

Verified this on 8.0.6. Repro on Windows 11 and Android 14.0-API34, not repro on iOS 17.2 and MacCatalyst with below Project: [CustomControl.zip](https://github.com/dotnet/maui/files/14446175/CustomControl.zip)