XVim copied to clipboard
Filemerge warning
I am using Filemerge as my git's mergetool. This is the warning I got.
FileMerge[82800:f03] Error loading /Users/MyName/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/XVim.xcplugin/Contents/MacOS/XVim: dlopen(/Users/MyName/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/XVim.xcplugin/Contents/MacOS/XVim, 265): Library not loaded: @rpath/DVTFoundation.framework/Versions/A/DVTFoundation Referenced from: /Users/Myname/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/XVim.xcplugin/Contents/MacOS/XVim Reason: no suitable image found. Did find: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Applications/FileMerge.app/Contents/MacOS/../../../../SharedFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/Versions/A/DVTFoundation: GC capability mismatch
Everything works fine though.
There were two paths that we added due to the differences from installing Xcode from the app store vs. downloading it from the developer site. It seems that the app store downloads it to /Applications and the developer site installs it to /Developer. Is it a warning that you can hide?