A test script (.t file) should not be treated a module that means this `t/08-pod.t: Module does not end with "1;" at line 16, column 1. (Policy: Modules::RequireEndWithOne, Severity: 4)`...
Although you have used at 2 places in your perl-golang-syntax-comparison back quoted raw string literals ([String literals](https://go.dev/ref/spec#String_literals)) the differentiation between raw string literals (back quotes == back ticks) and interpreted...
I am expecting both tests to pass. Unfortunately the `empty string` test is failing. ``` use Test::More tests => 2; use Type::Tie qw( ttie ); use Types::Standard qw( Num Str...
Although not explicitly stated in [Type::Tiny::Manual::Coercions](https://metacpan.org/dist/Type-Tiny/view/lib/Type/Tiny/Manual/Coercions.pod) `Type::Tiny` based coercion requires that the class you want to coerce to is previously loaded, otherwise you get a exception like `Can't locate object...
`Types::Standard` exports the `is_InstanceOf() ` function. This assertion is true `ok is_InstanceOf( bless( {}, 'Foo' ) ), 'blessed Foo is an object';` but this could be stated with the `is_Object()`...
I have a type definition that is a non-empty(!) array reference. This type definition is used at several places. At one place I want to use this type definition in...
Type-Tiny: 2.002001 This ``` use Eval::Closure qw( eval_closure ); use Types::Standard qw( ArrayRef StrMatch ); my $KeyList = Type::Tiny->new( name => 'KeyList', parent => ArrayRef [ StrMatch [ qr/\A [0-9A-Z]{3}...
``` while (my $row = $csv->getline ($fh)) { my @fields = @$row; } ``` Inside of the while loop body I need to access the completed (unparsed) line (usually `$_`)...
Jenkins version 2.265 I am new to this topic but I am astonished not to find an endpoint definition with the path `/job/{name}/buildWithParameters` in the _jenkins-api.yml_ specification?!
* Mojolicious version: 9.34 * Perl version: 5.38.0 * Operating system: AIX 7.3 ### Steps to reproduce the behavior I have used the `mojo` tool to create a `Mojolicious::Lite` application....