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Icons for admins and members in the user managment page
Admin theme / transition
User Managment : Why groups used gender icons in this page?
Webmasters group : man (/modules/system/images/icons/transition/xoops/group_1.png)
Members groupe : woman (/modules/system/images/icons/transition/xoops/group_2.png)
I think that in 2021, there should not be a gender but rather a "human + protection" icon for group 1 and a "human" icon without protection for group 2.
I mean like https://fontawesome.com/icons/user-shield?style=solid and https://fontawesome.com/icons/user?style=solid
If you agree with this principle, I can look for 2 new free icons and suggest modifying the code (transition + default).
Let me know !
I agree!
Here my drafts (Ok ok lol, I'm not a designer, but you know that)
2 versions :
I can change color.
Group_3.png for anonymous ? Please confirm
Looks good to me. I'll let others critique the colors.
I don't see group_3.png used anywhere, so I'm not certain. Anonymous sounds correct based on the defines in mainfile.php.
Since it looks like it matches the group_1 and group_2 in the existing style, I would say update group_3.png to look like it belongs in the set. Maybe a question mark over the figure?
Yes i thought i would do that
Then we have
Isn't it interesting how a simple thing keeps growing? ;)
In modules/system/images/icons/default (also transition) we have
All of these are themed like the ones we are removing.
Ok I will do it but I will work with which icon ?
The color is not a problem, i can change it,
But the form ?
Body A
Or body B ?
Personally, I prefer the B style.
ok, Just an idea ! We can keep both styles, B style for transition A style for default
First step, here A style
These colors seem to be too a little bit too vibrant, especially the orange, and might not work well with some of the themes.
For the Suico module, I've added some avatars there, maybe something could be used from there. These two are quite neutral:
Member (group 2)
Better color ?
That's better
How about these?
it's msn messenger icones so, no, but i can use theses colors
these icons are from the Crystal set of icons and its various derivatives, and they are Open Source:
There are also SVG versions of some of them:
ok but i read the license :
Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. https://fsf.org/
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
changing it is not allowed Changing license or changing icons ?
This is about the license, not about the icons. You're not allowed to change the license. XOOPS is also released under GPL, and you're allowed to make changes to the code, but you can't change the license.
Ok ! Could you tell me if we can modify icons (private and commercial use) without backlink or credit for : https://github.com/PapirusDevelopmentTeam/papirus-icon-theme and https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/freebie-of-the-week/beautiful-flat-icons-for-free
I could work on these elements for the whole theme (Crystal is nice but old school for me) Sorry, I'm not familiar with licences (GNU, CC...)
Both are released under GPL, so you can modify them, but you have to include the GPL license in your distribution (if you distribute them as a pack). If you use them individually, you don't need to include a backlink, but it's customary to give credits. For example, in every module we include /docs/credits.txt file, to give credit to original authors and contributors. And the same for the themes: https://github.com/mambax7/xbootstrap5/tree/master/docs
Ok, So I can work on it and we will add a link for credits in a file (on system module) It's ok ?
Yes, if the icons are approved/accepted, then we would add credit for them
Ok, that's clear for me. Thank you !
Ok, I got the source images so I can modify all elements in theses icones : (vectoriels source so any size) ;-)
What about this background (XOOPS color) :
Let me know if i should start with this background color base or if it's too vibrant. I can use the original blue background on this icons set too or another background color.
What about to open a thread on XOOPS forum to get different opinion and may be open / create survey ?
Background : Yes / No If yes :
- Background color a
- Background color b
- Background color c...
- Background form : circle
- Background form : ovoid
- Background form : square
- Background form : Reuleaux triangle...
Yes, absolutely, please open a thread on the Forums, and also share on Facebook. The blue background looks nice
New thread on the forums: https://xoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id=365648
@alain01 Are you going to submit the icons with the blue background?
Any progress, or should we close it?