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Add an human question for the subscription (in order to block robot, and spammers)
Explanation : the webmaster could configure a question and an human answer for the subscription use the profile module : Modify the file include/forms.php and search this line : [code] $elements[0][] = array('element' => new XoopsFormPassword(_US_VERIFYPASS, 'vpass', 35, 32, ''), 'required' => true); $weights[0][] = 0; [/code]
Add just after :
global $xoopsModuleConfig;
$elements[0][] = array('element' => new XoopsFormLabel(_QUESTION_ANTI_ROBOT, $xoopsModuleConfig['profile_questionn']));
$weights[0][] = 0;
$elements[0][] = array('element' => new XoopsFormText(_REPONSE_AU_QUESTION_ANTIBOT, 'question', 35, 32, ''), 'required' => true);
$weights[0][] = 0;
Then modify the file register.php and search the line : [code] $vpass = isset($_POST['vpass']) ? $myts->stripSlashesGPC(trim($_POST['vpass']) ) : ''; [/code]
and add just after :
$question = isset($_POST['question']) ? $myts->stripSlashesGPC(trim($_POST['question']) ) : '';
global $xoopsModuleConfig;
if ( (isset($question)) && ($question != $xoopsModuleConfig['profile_reponse']) ) {
Then modify the file xoops_version.php, add : [code] $modversion['config'][2]['name'] = 'profile_question'; $modversion['config'][2]['title'] = '_PROFILE_MI_PROFILE_QUESTION'; $modversion['config'][2]['description'] = ''; $modversion['config'][2]['formtype'] = 'textbox'; $modversion['config'][2]['valuetype'] = 'text'; $modversion['config'][2]['default'] = 'Where is the town Paris??';
$modversion['config'][3]['name'] = 'profile_reponse'; $modversion['config'][3]['title'] = '_PROFILE_MI_PROFILE_REPONSE'; $modversion['config'][3]['description'] = ''; $modversion['config'][3]['formtype'] = 'textbox'; $modversion['config'][3]['valuetype'] = 'text'; $modversion['config'][3]['default'] = 'France'; [/code]
in the file language/main.php, add : [code] define("_REPONSE_AU_QUESTION_ANTIBOT", "La reponse pour la question est:"); define("_US_REPONSEAUQUESTIONESTFAUX", "Votre reponse au question est faux. ressayez encore une fois"); define("_QUESTION_ANTI_ROBOT", "Question Anti Robots, Prouve que vous etes humain"); [/code]
Thanks to olivee, french xoopser (http://www.frxoops.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?post_id=231287#forumpost231287)