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Incorrect signature in 2.10.0

Open hathawsh opened this issue 2 years ago • 9 comments

A test in my project revealed that signxml 2.10.0 generates invalid signatures, while 2.9.0 generates correct signatures. The cause is the new excise_empty_xmlns_declarations parameter, which is appropriately set when validating a signature, but it also needs to be set when generating a signature.

hathawsh avatar Sep 09 '22 15:09 hathawsh

Thank you for the report. Can you please provide a complete reproduction, including the document that was signed, the configuration that you used, and the counterparty implementation that you used to judge whether the signature was "correct" vs. "incorrect"?

kislyuk avatar Sep 09 '22 21:09 kislyuk

After looking at it in more depth, I think you are correct that the option as introduced is applied inconsistently (and there is a test coverage gap for this use case).

I have pushed a change that makes the option apply uniformly. Can you please test with this change and verify that it works for you?

kislyuk avatar Sep 09 '22 23:09 kislyuk

@kislyuk, it would be ideal to keep the same behavior before creating the excise_empty_xmlns_declarations parameter, that is, by default, use excise_empty_xmlns_declarations = True here, this would work on versions <= 2.9.0

leogregianin avatar Sep 29 '22 03:09 leogregianin

@leogregianin this behavior is not part of any standard that I can identify, and it was implemented via a fragile hack. Do you have a counterparty application or other peer implementation of XML signature that depends on it?

kislyuk avatar Sep 29 '22 13:09 kislyuk

(See discussion in #193 for details - while there is some discussion of this behavior in the xml-c14n standard, the discussion does not include clear guidance on when to apply excision and the lxml c14n implementation does not perform it)

kislyuk avatar Sep 29 '22 14:09 kislyuk

Signing XML files with method assinar from the PyNFe project, which is a library for generating, signing and send tax documents in Brazil.

Until 2.9 version we always stripped the xmlns="" from the signature because _c14n method from signxml exclusive variable would always be false.

In 2.10 version, if is not explicitly included parameter excise_empty_xmlns_declarations = True, xmlns="" is not excluded from the signature, resulting in incorrect validation.

The small part of the signature generated by signxml method def _c14n(self, nodes, algorithm, inclusive_ns_prefixes= None, excise_empty_xmlns_declarations=False): returns this:

<SignedInfo xmlns="">
	<CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/>
	<SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
	<Reference URI="#NFe41210199999999000199550010000001111904477123">
		<Transforms xmlns="">
			<Transform xmlns="" Algorithm=""/>
			<Transform xmlns="" Algorithm=""/>
		<DigestMethod xmlns="" Algorithm=""/>
		<DigestValue xmlns="">koJdFRsHM7PqULSY6vgHzDdCzN0=</DigestValue>

I don't know exactly what we can do.

To maintain compatibility between versions 2.9 and 2.10 would have to set excise_empty_xmlns_declarations = True with default class variable in signxml.

Or require projects that use version >=2.10 and set excise_empty_xmlns_declarations = True.

leogregianin avatar Sep 30 '22 13:09 leogregianin

In theory, the xmlns=""attributes shouldn't even appear in the canonical XML if the tags inside SignedInfo all belong to the same xmldsig namespace. Perhaps signxml isn't (or wasn't) using XML namespaces correctly for SignedInfo.

hathawsh avatar Sep 30 '22 21:09 hathawsh

How do I sign the XML:

signer = XMLSigner(

lxml etree.tostring includes xmlns="" when the exclusive parameter is False. This behavior happens inside the concat c14n += etree.tostring in _c14n method of signxml.

In this case, the exclusive parameter should be True?

leogregianin avatar Oct 01 '22 20:10 leogregianin

Having the same problema here... following..

ssjunior avatar Oct 07 '22 04:10 ssjunior

@leogregianin if you wish to use exclusive XML canonicalization, you have to specify that using the corresponding value in c14n_algorithm.

kislyuk avatar Nov 12 '22 23:11 kislyuk

It looks like this issue only manifests when you override the default namespace (i.e. modify XMLSigner.namespaces to include {"": ""}):

>./test/ -vvv TestSignXML.test_changing_signature_namespace_prefix_to_default
test_changing_signature_namespace_prefix_to_default (__main__.TestSignXML) ... =======BEGIN C14N=========

    <country name="Liechtenstein">
        <neighbor direction="E" name="Austria"></neighbor>
        <neighbor direction="W" name="Switzerland"></neighbor>
    <country name="Singapore">
        <neighbor direction="N" name="Malaysia"></neighbor>
    <country name="Panama">
        <neighbor direction="W" name="Costa Rica"></neighbor>
        <neighbor direction="E" name="Colombia"></neighbor>
=======  END C14N=========
=======BEGIN C14N=========
<SignedInfo xmlns=""><CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""></CanonicalizationMethod><SignatureMethod Algorithm=""></SignatureMethod><Reference URI=""><Transforms xmlns=""><Transform xmlns="" Algorithm=""></Transform><Transform xmlns="" Algorithm=""></Transform></Transforms><DigestMethod xmlns="" Algorithm=""></DigestMethod><DigestValue xmlns="">phz8KnRySaYxGRtVaEG1/XPY+8JRkEcl0HIPl8ySSfs=</DigestValue></Reference></SignedInfo>
=======  END C14N=========

Ran 1 test in 0.162s


In other words, I think the issue is that the custom namespace map is being used incorrectly in the canonicalization process.

kislyuk avatar Nov 12 '22 23:11 kislyuk

I don't think this is a bug.

SignXML relies on lxml for canonicalization, so even if this was a bug, it could only be a misconfiguration of lxml by SignXML, but I don't believe this to be true.


3.1.2 Signature Generation Create SignedInfo element with SignatureMethod, CanonicalizationMethod and Reference(s). Canonicalize and then calculate the SignatureValue over SignedInfo based on algorithms specified in SignedInfo.

XML Signature uses XML Canonicalization 1.1 (or 1.0, which is not meaningfully different for this issue). Quoting

2.3 Processing Model The XPath node-set is converted into an octet stream, the canonical form, by generating the representative UCS characters for each node in the node-set in ascending document order, then encoding the result in UTF-8 (without a leading byte order mark). No node is processed more than once. Note that processing an element node E includes the processing of all members of the node-set for which E is an ancestor. Therefore, directly after the representative text for E is generated, E and all nodes for which E is an ancestor are removed from the node-set (or some logically equivalent operation occurs such that the node-set's next node in document order has not been processed). Note, however, that an element node is not removed from the node-set until after its children are processed.

The result of processing a node depends on its type and on whether or not it is in the node-set. If a node is not in the node-set, then no text is generated for the node except for the result of processing its namespace and attribute axes (elements only) and its children (elements and the root node). If the node is in the node-set, then text is generated to represent the node in the canonical form in addition to the text generated by processing the node's namespace and attribute axes and child nodes.

NOTE: The node-set is treated as a set of nodes, not a list of subtrees. To canonicalize an element including its namespaces, attributes, and content, the node-set must actually contain all of the nodes corresponding to these parts of the document, not just the element node.

The text generated for a node is dependent on the node type and given in the following list:

Root Node- The root node is the parent of the top-level document element. The result of processing each of its child nodes that is in the node-set in document order. The root node does not generate a byte order mark, XML declaration, nor anything from within the document type declaration. Element Nodes- If the element is not in the node-set, then the result is obtained by processing the namespace axis, then the attribute axis, then processing the child nodes of the element that are in the node-set (in document order). If the element is in the node-set, then the result is an open angle bracket (<), the element QName, the result of processing the namespace axis, the result of processing the attribute axis, a close angle bracket (>), the result of processing the child nodes of the element that are in the node-set (in document order), an open angle bracket, a forward slash (/), the element QName, and a close angle bracket. Namespace Axis- Consider a list L containing only namespace nodes in the axis and in the node-set in lexicographic order (ascending). To begin processing L, if the first node is not the default namespace node (a node with no namespace URI and no local name), then generate a space followed by xmlns="" if and only if the following conditions are met:

the element E that owns the axis is in the node-set The nearest ancestor element of E in the node-set has a default namespace node in the node-set (default namespace nodes always have non-empty values in XPath) The latter condition eliminates unnecessary occurrences of xmlns="" in the canonical form since an element only receives an xmlns="" if its default namespace is empty and if it has an immediate parent in the canonical form that has a non-empty default namespace. To finish processing L, simply process every namespace node in L, except omit namespace node with local name xml, which defines the xml prefix, if its string value is

Attribute Axis- In lexicographic order (ascending), process each node that is in the element's attribute axis and in the node-set.

I've highlighted the relevant parts in bold. Essentially, if you instruct SignXML to set the namespace prefix for the namespace in your XML signature to the empty (default) namespace prefix instead of the customary ds, then for any canonicalization done as part of the signature (in particular SignedInfo), the immediate child elements of SignedInfo will contain no prefix and no xmlns attribute, and their child elements (non-immediate/skip-level elements) will contain xmlns="" as an attribute.

This lxml behavior is consistent with the standard and there is nothing to fix. SignXML before 2.10.0 erroneously removed these attributes and we will not be going back to that behavior. The excise_empty_xmlns_declarations will be marked as deprecated in v3.0.0 and removed in a future release.

@hathawsh for future bug reports, please provide references and/or examples instead of just claiming that the behavior is "incorrect".

kislyuk avatar Nov 13 '22 01:11 kislyuk

Recommended workaround if you encounter this issue

Do not set the empty (default) namespace prefix (XMLSigner.namespaces = ...) when generating the signature.

What if my counterparty requires the use of unprefixed elements in the XML signature?

XML signature processors should be namespace aware and should support arbitrary namespace prefix remapping. SignXML does not support interoperability with peer applications that have bugs in both their namespace prefix assumptions and canonicalization methods.

kislyuk avatar Nov 13 '22 01:11 kislyuk

@kislyuk , thanks for looking into this. It takes some time for me to isolate and sanitize a test case.

This test only works with the branch of signxml I created at . The company I'm working with accepts the signatures generated by our branch; it does not accept the signatures generated by signxml 2.10. That's why I believe our branch is correct and signxml 2.10 is not. I am certainly open to the possibility that we're calling signxml in some incorrect way.

The private key I included is used only for this test case and nothing else, so there's no risk in sharing it.

import signxml
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import load_pem_private_key
from lxml.etree import Element, ElementTree, SubElement, fromstring, tostring
from OpenSSL.crypto import FILETYPE_PEM, load_certificate

signable = """\
<Message xmlns="urn:someco" xmlns:head="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:head.001.001.01">\

expected_output = """\
<Message xmlns="urn:someco" xmlns:head="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:head.001.001.01">
      <Signature xmlns="">
          <CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm=""/>
          <SignatureMethod Algorithm=""/>
          <Reference URI="">
              <Transform Algorithm=""/>
              <Transform Algorithm=""/>
            <DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>

testcert = b"""\

testkey = b"""\

def make_key_info_elem(cert):
    elem = Element("{}KeyInfo")
    data = SubElement(elem, "{}X509Data")
    subj = SubElement(data, "{}X509SubjectName")
    subj.text = "CN=test.localdomain,C=US"
    iserial = SubElement(data, "{}X509IssuerSerial")
    iname = SubElement(iserial, "{}X509IssuerName")
    iname.text = "CN=test.localdomain,C=US"
    inum = SubElement(iserial, "{}X509SerialNumber")
    inum.text = f"{cert.get_serial_number()}"
    return elem

def test_sig():
    nsmap_xmldsig = {None: ""}
    signable_tree = ElementTree(fromstring(signable))

    sig_envelope = signable_tree.find(
    assert sig_envelope is not None

        attrib={"Id": "placeholder"},

    ssl_cert = load_certificate(FILETYPE_PEM, testcert)
    ssl_key = load_pem_private_key(testkey, password=None)

    key_info_elem = make_key_info_elem(ssl_cert)

    signer = signxml.XMLSigner(
    signer.namespaces = nsmap_xmldsig
    signed_root = signer.sign(

    signed_output = tostring(signed_root, encoding="unicode")
    signed_elem = fromstring(signed_output)
    pretty = tostring(signed_elem, pretty_print=True, encoding="unicode")

    assert pretty == expected_output, "mismatched"

if __name__ == "__main__":

hathawsh avatar Nov 14 '22 16:11 hathawsh

@kislyuk is there an easy way to dump the c14n payload? I have a document similar to @hathawsh that no longer validates because of this change without setting excise_empty_xmlns_declarations but I don't see an empty namespace declaration in his test to excise or not excise. There are some parent namespaces that get inherited by children but that seems different to me than an empty xmlns declaration.

maxullman avatar Nov 15 '22 16:11 maxullman

@maxullman In the next minor release, I will be adding a Python standard library logger that will print all c14n payloads when its log level is set to DEBUG.

kislyuk avatar Feb 05 '23 02:02 kislyuk