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Multi-Threaded Lodestone character gatherer written in Java

XIV Stats Gatherer (Java)

Build Status codecov.io

XIVStats Gatherer Java is a multi threaded Java program with the purpose of fetching a set of character profiles from the Final Fantasy XIV Lodestone, and then parse the content of the character profile page before passing it into a database (MySQL or PostgreSQL).

To see an example of data gathered using this script see FFXIVCensus.com. The database generated by this program can be used in conjunction with the XIVStats PHP Script(s) to produce a web page displaying statistics for the data gathered.

Table of contents

  • Quick start
  • Bugs and feature requests
  • Documentation
  • Contributing
  • Database
  • Performance Statistics
  • XIVStats-Gatherer-Ruby
  • Creators
  • Copyright and license

Quick Start

Follow these steps to setup XIVStats-Gatherer-Java:

1. Database setup

  1. Setup your own MySQL or PostgreSQL server instance (if you have not already done so).
  2. Setup a database to store the program data in:
  CREATE DATABASE dbplayers;
  1. Create a user for the program to use to connect to the database.

Replace {password} with your choice of password, take a note of this for later.

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dbplayers.* TO `xivstats`@`localhost` IDENTIFIED BY '{password}';

2. Program Setup

  1. Install the latest version of either OpenJDK 8 JRE or Oracle JRE (if you have not already done so).
  2. Download the latest release from the releases page.
  3. Extract the zip to the directory you wish to install to.
  4. If this is your first time setting up the program - rename the file config_example.xml to config.xml.
  5. Open config.xml in editor of choice.
  6. Configure the options as follows
    • Set the url parameter to the URL of your SQL server instance, MySQL default: mysql://localhost:3306, PostgreSQL default: postgresql://localost:5407.
    • Set the database parameter to the database you configured earlier (dbplayers).
    • Set the username parameter to the username you configured earlier (xivstats).
    • Set the password parameter to the password you configured earlier.
    • Set the threads parameter to the number of threads you want the program to utilize (more threads = faster gatherer crawls). At present there is a safety limit of 64.
  7. Save and close config.xml.
  8. Using a shell (or CMD on windows) run the following command (replace {words in brackets} with integer parameters):
java -jar XIVStats-Gatherer-Java.jar -s {lowest character id to fetch}

The application can be run with the following command line options/args:

Short option Long option Argument type Description
-d --database String database name
-f --finish integer the character id to conclude character run at (inclusive)
-a --autostopfrom integer the lowest character id to allow auto-stop to happen
-g --autostopgap integer the number of continuous invalid characters to trigger auto-stopping
-h --help none display help message
-p --password String database user password
-s --start integer the character id to start from (inclusive)
-t --threads integer number of gatherer thrads to running
-u --user String database user
-U --url String the database URL of the database server to connect to

Note: On Linux/Unix it is advised to run the program in Tmux/Screen or similar.


Running the JAR will generate 2 log files, in a /.ffxivcensus/ folder in the user's home directory. There are 2 log files produced:

  • gatherer.log
    • A record of all debug logging generated during the gathering run
  • progress.log
    • A simple per-character result log to enable tracking of progress
    • Note: As characters are threaded, there is no guarantee the characters will be presented in this log in sequential order

Logs are currently overwritten with each run, so in the event you wish to save a log file, please re-name or copy the desired file for later review.

Bugs and feature requests

If you have discovered a bug, are having issues running the program (and Google hasn't been any immediate help), or you would like to request a feature open an issue over here.


Javadoc documentation for the program can be found here.


If you want to contribute to the XIVStats-Gatherer-Java project, please fork this repository, make the changes you want to make and commit them then open a pull request describing clearly what you are adding. All feature additions, bug fixes and other positive contributions are welcome.

All pull requests are subject to contributor review before passing, all build and test CI stages must also pass before a contribution can be merged.


The database table tblplayers has the following structure:

Column Name Datatype Checks for Mount/Minion
id int N/A
name text N/A
realm text N/A
gender text N/A
grand_company text N/A
level_gladiator int N/A
level_pugilist int N/A
level_marauder int N/A
level_lancer int N/A
level_archer int N/A
level_rogue int N/A
level_conjurer int N/A
level_thaumaturge int N/A
level_arcanist int N/A
level_darkknight int N/A
level_machinist int N/A
level_astrologian int N/A
level_scholar int N/A
level_redmage int N/A
level_samurai int N/A
level_bluemage int N/A
level_gunbreaker int N/A
level_dancer int N/A
level_reaper int N/A
level_sage int N/A
level_carpenter int N/A
level_blacksmith int N/A
level_armorer int N/A
level_goldsmith int N/A
level_leatherworker int N/A
level_weaver int N/A
level_alchemist int N/A
level_culinarian int N/A
level_miner int N/A
level_botanist int N/A
level_fisher int N/A
level_bozja int N/A
level_eureka int N/A
p30days bit Minion - Wind-up Cursor
p60days bit Minion - Black Chocobo Chick
p90days bit Minion - Beady Eye
p180days bit Minion - Minion Of Light
p270days bit Minion - Wind-up Leader
p360days bit Minion - Wind-up Odin
p450days bit Minion - Wind-up Goblin
p630days bit Minion - Wind-up Nanamo
p960days bit Minion - Wind-up Firion
prearr bit Minion - Cait Sith Doll
prehw bit Minion - Chocobo Chick Courier
presb bit Minion - Wind-up Red Mage
preshb bit Minion - Baby Gremlin
arrartbook bit Minion - Model Enterprise
sbartbook bit Minion - Wind-up Yotsuyu
sbartbooktwo bit Minion - Dress-up Tataru
hwartbookone bit Minion - Wind-Up Relm
hwartbooktw bit Minion - Wind-Up Hraesvelgr
hasencyclopedia bit Minion - Namingway
beforemeteor bit Minion - Wind-up Dalamud
beforethefall bit Minion - Set Of Primogs
soundtrack bit Minion - Wind-up Bahamut
saweternalbond bit Minion - Demon Box
sightseeing bit Minion - Fledgling Apkallu
arr_25_complete bit Minion - Midgardsormr
comm50 bit Minion - Princely Hatchling
moogleplush bit Minion - Wind-up Delivery Moogle
topazcarubuncleplush bit Minion - Heliodor Carbuncle
emeraldcarbuncleplush bit Minion - Peridot Carbuncle
hildibrand bit Minion - Wind-up Gentleman
ps4collectors bit Minion - Wind-up Moogle
dideternalbond bit Mount - Ceremony Chocobo
arrcollector bit Mount - Coeurl
kobold bit Mount - Bomb Palanquin
sahagin bit Mount - Cavalry Elbst
amaljaa bit Mount - Cavalry Drake
sylph bit Mount - Laurel Goobbue
moogle bit Mount - Cloud Mallow
vanuvanu bit Mount - Sanuwa
vath bit Mount - Kongamato
hw_complete bit Mount - Midgardsormr
hw_31_complete bit Minion - Wind-up Haurchefant
hw_33_complete bit Minion - Wind-up Aymeric
legacy_player bit Mount - Legacy Chocobo
mounts text N/A
minions text N/A
date_active date N/A
is_active bit N/A
character_status varchar N/A

Performance Statistics

This section provides some insight into the performance of the application when performing censuses for ffxivcensus.com

How many IDs are there?

  • As of February 2019, the highest ID is between 24 and 25 million. However, almost 10 million character IDs have been deleted.

How long does a complete census take?

  • A complete census currently takes around 14 days

What hardware is the live census using?

  • The live census is running on a CentOS 7 VM with 2 CPU cores from an i5-750, 2GB of RAM and a 100mbit network connection.

What is the CPU, memory and network usage like?

  • The census uses 30-60% of the two CPU cores
  • The census will happily run with a 1GB heap size allocated
  • Network usage is fairly minimal, with about 4mbit download and 300kbit upload with 64 threads configured


XIVStats-Gatherer-Java begun by providing the same functionality as the original ruby-based XIVStats-Gatherer-Ruby, but is written in Java to make use of Multi-threading capabilities that could not be harnessed in Ruby. This allows XIVStats-Gatherer-Java to perform large crawl operations in a much shorter period of time, utilizing only one application instance. XIVStats-Gatherer-Java also brings with it the benefit of being able to use a full SQL setup as opposed to a sqlite file, giving the advantage of being able to perform asynchronous database transactions.

The Ruby implementation is now out-of-date and no-longer maintained.


Peter Reid (Project Maintainer)

Jonathan Price (XIVStats and XIVStats-Gatherer-Ruby)

Copyright and license

Code and documentation copyright 2015-2018 Jonathan Price & Peter Reid, Code and documentation released under the BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License.