UA3REO-DDC-Transceiver copied to clipboard
DDC/DUC SDR Tranceiver project
Transceiver "Wolf"
DDC-DUC SDR Tranceiver project Community telegram channel:
На русском
Principle of operation
The RF signal is digitized by a high-speed ADC chip and fed to an FPGA processor.
It performs DDC / DUC conversion (digital frequency shift down or up the spectrum) - by analogy with a direct conversion receiver.
The I and Q quadrature signals from the conversions are fed to the STM32 microprocessor.
It filters, (de) modulates and outputs audio to an audio codec / USB. It also handles the entire user interface.
When transmitting, the process occurs in the opposite order, only at the end of the chain there is a DAC, which converts the digital signal back to analog RF.
- Receiving frequencies: 0 MHz - 750 MHz
- Transmission frequencies: 0 MHz - 160 MHz
- TX power (QRP version): 7W+ (HF), 5W (VHF)
- TX power (QRP++ DB5AT version): 20W (HF), 7W (VHF)
- TX power (RU4PN version): 100W (HF), 50W+ (VHF)
- Two antenna inputs
- Modulation types (TX / RX): CW, LSB, USB, AM, FM, WFM, DIGI
- LNA, Preamplifier
- Adjustable attenuator 0-31dB
- Two antenna inputs
- Band pass filters
- ADC dynamic range (16 bit) ~100dB
- Supply voltage: 13.8V (overvoltage and polarity reversal protection)
- Consumption current when receiving: ~0.7А (3'2 QRP), 1.1A (7' BIG)
- Current consumption during transmission: ~2.5А+ (QRP), 15A+ (BIG)
Transceiver Features
- Panorama (spectrum + waterfall) up to 384 kHz wide
- Panorama tweaks and themes
- Dual receiver (mixing A + B or A&B audio in stereo)
- Adjustable bandwidth: HPF from 0Hz to 600Hz, LPF from 100Hz to 20kHz
- Integrated SWR/power meter (HF)
- Automatic and manual Notch filter
- Switchable AGC (AGC) with adjustable attack rate
- Range map, with the ability to automatically switch modes
- Digital Noise Reduction (DNR), Pulse Noise Reduction (NB)
- CAT virtual COM port (FT-450 emulation, RTS - PTT, DTR - CW)
- USB operation (audio transmission, IQ, CAT, KEY, PTT)
- RDS/CW/RTTY decoder, self-control, gauss filter
- SWR Graphs
- Spectrum analyzer
- FT8 receiver/transmitter
- WSPR Beacon
- Equalizer TX/RX, reverber
- SSB/FM Scanner mode
- Support SDHC/SDSC/SDXC memory cards up to 16Gb
- WAV files radio recording and playback, fast broadcast recorded CQ message
- AGC takes into account the characteristics of human hearing (K-Weighting)
- TCXO frequency stabilization (it is possible to use an external clock source, such as GPS)
- WiFi operation: Time synchronization, virtual CAT interface (see Scheme/WIFI-CAT-instruction.txt)
- Tangent support Yaesu MH-36 и MH-48
- Hardware self-testing
- Firmware update over USB, SD, WiFi
- And other.. (see menu)
At 10dB signal-to-noise ratio, LNA is on, ATT, LPF, BPF are off
Frequency, mHz | Sensitivity, dBm | Sensitivity |
<100 | -131 | 63.0 nV |
145 | -128 | 88.9 nV |
435 | -121 | 0.2 uV |
I ordered the boards in the Chinese service JLCPCB, they and their schemes are in the Scheme folder.
After assembly, you need to flash FPGA and STM32 chips.
STM32 firmware is performed via Keil or via USB lanyard in DFU Mode (by STM32 / FLASH.bat script). Or via ST-LINK v2. You must hold down the power button while flashing.
FPGA firmware is performed through the Quartus program using a USB-Blaster.
A properly assembled device does not require debugging, but if problems arise, the first thing to do is to check for clock signals:
90 FGPA pin and ADC clock input - 122.88 MHz, PC9 STM32 pin - 12.288 MHz, PB10 STM32 pin - 48 kHz.
If necessary, calibrate the transceiver through the appropriate menu
WiFi module ESP-01 must have fresh firmware with SDK 3.0.4 and higher, and AT commands 1.7.4 and higher
Supported LCD: ILI9481, ILI9486, HX8357B, HX8357C, ST7796S, RA8875+GT911
- AF GAIN - Volume
- RIT / GAIN - When the RIT function is active - smooth offset from the selected transceiver frequency. Inactive - IF gain control
- ENC MAIN - Main encoder for frequency control and menu settings
- ENC 2 - Auxiliary encoder for menu operation. In normal mode, quickly switches the frequency, in CW fast change WPM
- ENC 2[click] - In CW mode, toggles between fast step and WPM selection, in other modes it opens the bandwidth properties.
- BAND - - Switch to the band below
- BAND + - Switch to higher band
- MODE - - Mode group switching SSB-> CW-> DIGI-> FM-> AM
- MODE + - Switching subgroup mod LSB-> USB, CW_L-> CW_U, DIGI_U-> DIGI_L, NFM-> WFM, AM-> IQ-> LOOP
- FAST - Mode of fast x10 rewinding of the frequency by the main encoder (configurable)
- FAST [clamp] - Frequency step settings
- PRE - Turn on the preamplifier (LNA)
- PRE [clamp] - Turn on the driver and / or amplifier ADC
- ATT - Turn on the attenuator
- REC - Save audio to SD card
- PLAY - Play recorded CQ-message from SD card
- MUTE - Mute the sound
- MUTE [clamp] - Scanner mode
- AGC - Turn on AGC (automatic gain control)
- AGC [clamp] - AGC settings
- A = B - Setting the second bank of the receiver equal to the current
- BW - Switch to bandwidth selection menu (LPF)
- BW [clamp] - Switch to bandwidth selection menu (HPF)
- TUNE - Turn on the carrier for tuning the antenna
- RF POWER - Transmitter power selection
- RF POWER [clamp] - Squelch setting
- A / B - Switches between VFO-A / VFO-B receiver settings banks
- A / B [clamp] - Enable automatic mode change by bendmap
- DOUBLE - Turn on the dual receiver
- DOUBLE [clamp] - Switching between the modes of the dual receiver A&B (each channel of the headphones has its own path) or A + B (mixing signals of 2 receivers)
- DNR - Enable digital noise reduction
- DNR [clamp] - Turn on the impulse noise suppressor (NB)
- NOTCH - Turn on the automatic Notch filter to eliminate narrowband interference
- NOTCH [clamp] - Turn on the manual Notch filter to eliminate narrowband interference
- SPLIT - Allows you to split transmission and reception to different VFO banks
- RIT [clamp] - Enables RIT control from the front panel
- WPM - Switch to key speed selection menu (WPM)
- WPM [clamp] - Automatic key enable
- MENU - Go to the menu
- MENU [clamp] - Enable key lock LOCK
- MENU [at power on] - Reset transceiver settings
- MENU [at power on+PRE] - Reset transceiver settings and calibration
- RIT - Offset of the receiving frequency relative to the current frequency (TX without offset)
- XIT - Offset of the transmission frequency relative to the current frequency (RX without offset)
TRX Settings
- RF Power - Transmission power,%
- Channel Mode - Channel frequency mode (for LPD/PMR and etc.)
- Band Map - Band Map, automatically switches mode depending on the frequency
- AutoGainer - Automatic ATT / PREAMP control depending on the signal level on the ADC
- RF Filters - Hardware filter management (LPF / HPF / BPF)
- Two Signal tune - Two-signal generator in TUNE mode (1 + 2kHz)
- RIT Interval - Offset range RIT (+ -)
- XIT Interval - Offset range XIT (+ -)
- Fine RIT Tune - Fine or coarse tuning for RIT/XIT (encoder or resistor)
- TRX Samplerate - Max FFT/samplerate on CW/SSB/NFM/DIGI/etc modes
- FM Samplerate - Max FFT/samplerate on NFM/WFM mode
- Freq Step - Frequency step by the main encoder
- Freq Step FAST - Frequency step by the main encoder in FAST mode
- Freq Step ENC2 - Frequency tuning step by main add. encoder
- Freq Step ENC2 FAST - Frequency step by main add. encoder in FAST mode
- CW Freq Step divider - Frequency step divider for CW mode
- Encoder Accelerate - Accelerate encoder on fast rates
- Att step, dB - Attenuator tuning step
- DEBUG Type - Output of debug and service information to USB / UART ports
- Auto Input Switch - Auto input switch (PTT - mix, CAT - USB)
- Input Type - Select audio input (microphone, line in, USB)
- Callsign - User callsign
- Locator - User QTH locator
- TUNER Enabled - Turning on the antenna tuner
- ATU Enabled - Turning on the automatic antenna tuner
- ATU Ind - Combination of tuner inductances
- ATU Cap - Tuner Capacitance Combination
- ATU T - Tuner capacitive arm position
- Transverter XXcm - Enable external ham band transverter support
- Custom Transverter - Enable external transverter on non-ham band (just offset display frequency)
- Transverter Offset, mHz - External transverter frequency offset, mHz
AUDIO Settings
- Volume - AF gain
- Volume step - AF gain step by ENC2 (X1, Lite)
- IF Gain, dB - IF gain
- AGC Gain target, LKFS - Maximum AGC gain (Maximum volume with AGC on)
- Mic Gain - Microphone gain
- Mic Boost - +20db hardware mic amplifier
- DNR xxx - Digital squelch adjustment
- SSB HPF Pass - HPF cutoff frequency when operating in SSB
- SSB LPF Pass - LPF cutoff frequency when operating in SSB
- CW LPF Pass - LPF cutoff frequency when working in CW
- DIGI LPF Pass - LPF cutoff frequency when working in DIGI
- FM LPF Pass - LPF cutoff frequency when working in FM
- Squelch - Enable SSB/AM/CW/FM Squelch
- FM Squelch level - FM squelch level
- MIC EQ xxx - Microphone equalizer levels
- MIC Reverber - Microphone reverberator level
- MIC Noise Gate - The level below which the microphone signal is muted, dbFS
- RX EQ xxx - Receiver equalizer levels
- RX AGC Speed - AGC (automatic signal level control) response speed for reception (more-faster)
- RX AGC Max gain - Limit of AGC gain, dB
- RX AGC Hold time - Time of AGC gain holding on signal peaks, ms
- TX Compressor Speed - TX compressor response speed for transmission (more-faster)
- TX Compressor MaxGain - Maximum comressor gain
- Beeper - Beep on key press
- CTCSS Frequency - Transmit FM CTCSS sub-tone frequency
- SelfHear Volume - Self Hearing (CW/DIGI) volume relative to the overall transceiver volume
- WFM Stereo - select WFM stereo or mono decoder
- AGC Spectral - Enable experimental FFT-based AGC
- VAD Threshold - VAD voice detector threshold (noise suppressor for SSB mode and SCAN mode)
- VOX - TX Voice activation
- VOX Timeout, ms - VOX transmission delay after silence, milliseconds
- VOX Threshold, dbFS - VOX Threshold, dbFS
CW Settings
- CW Key timeout - Time before stopping the transmission mode after releasing the key
- CW Pitch - Detuning the receive generator from the transmit frequency
- CW Self Hear - Self-control CW (key press is heard)
- CW Keyer - Automatic Key
- CW Keyer WPM - Key Speed, WPM
- CW Gauss filter - Gauss responce LPF filter
- CW DotToDash Rate - Keyer dash to dot length rate
- CW Iambic Keyer - Enable Iambic mode keyer
- CW Key Invert - Invert dash/dot on key
- CW PTT Type - RX/TX switch type for CW: by key or external PTT (tangent, etc.)
SCREEN Settings
- FFT Zoom - FFT spectrum zooming
- FFT Zoom CW - FFT spectrum zooming for CW Mode
- LCD Brightness - Set LCD brightness (not all lcd support)
- LCD Sleep Timeout - Idle time before the screen brightness decreases, sec (0 - disabled)
- Color Theme - Select colors theme (0 - black, 1 - white, 2 - black with colored frequency)
- Layout Theme - Select interface theme (0 - default)
- FFT Speed - FFT and waterfall speed
- FFT Automatic - Automatic FFT scale
- FFT Sensitivity - Top threshold of FFT sensitivity in automatic mode (30 - scale to strongest signal)
- FFT Manual Bottom, dBm - Bottom FFT threshold in manual mode
- FFT Manual Top, dBm - Top FFT threshold in manual mode
- FFT Height - FFT and waterfall proportional height
- FFT Style - FFT style: 1(gradient), 2(fill), 3(dots), 4(contour)
- FFT BW Style - FFT bandwidth style: high opacity, low opacity, lines
- FFT Color - FFT colors: 1(blue -> yellow -> red), 2(black -> yellow -> red), 3(black -> yellow -> green), 4(black -> red), 5(black -> green), 6(black -> blue), 7(black -> white)
- WTF Color - Waterfall colors: 1(blue -> yellow -> red), 2(black -> yellow -> red), 3(black -> yellow -> green), 4(black -> red), 5(black -> green), 6(black -> blue), 7(black -> white)
- FFT Freq Grid - FFT and waterfall grids: 1(no grid), 2(fft grid), 3(fft+wtf grids), 4(wtf grid)
- FFT dBm Grid - FFT signal power grid
- FFT Background - Gradient FFT background
- FFT Enabled - Enable waterfall and FFT
- WTF Moving - Mowe waterfall with frequency changing
- FFT Lens - Enable FFT lens mode (magnify center of spectrum)
- FFT Hold Peaks - Show peaks on FFT spectrum
- FFT 3D Mode - Enable FFT 3D mode (0 - disabled, 1 - lines, 2 - pixels)
- FFT Compressor - Enable FFT peak comressor
- FFT Averaging - FFT burst averaging level
- FFT Window - Select FFT window (1-Dolph–Chebyshev 2-Blackman-Harris 3-Nutall 4-Blackman-Nutall 5-Hann 6-Hamming 7-No window)
- FFT DXCluster - Show DXCluster info over FFT
- FFT DXCluster Azimuth - Add azimuth data to DX-cluster
- FFT DXCluster Timeout - Timeout of DX-cluser spots in minutes
- Show Sec VFO - Show secondary VFO position on spectre
- FFT Scale Type - Y-axis style on FFT between signal amplitude and dBm to fit more dynamic range on screen (Useful when manually adjusting FFT range).
- CW Decoder - Software CW receive decoder
- CW Decoder Threshold - CW receive decoder sensivity
- RDS Decoder - Enable RDS Decoder for WFM mode
- RTTY Speed - Speed of RTTY data
- RTTY Shift - RTTY carrier shifts
- RTTY Freq - Central frequency of RTTY decoding
- RTTY StopBits - RTTY Stop bits
- RTTY InvertBits - RTTY invert 0 and 1 bits
ADC / DAC Settings
- ADC Driver - Turn on the preamplifier-ADC driver
- ADC Preamp - Turn on the preamplifier built into the ADC
- ADC Dither - Enable ADC dither for receiving weak signals
- ADC Randomizer - Enables ADC digital line encryption
- ADC Shutdown - Turn off the ADC
WIFI Settings
- WIFI Enabled - Enable WiFi module (need restart)
- WIFI Network - WiFi hotspot selection
- WIFI Network Pass - Set password for WiFi hotspot
- WIFI Timezone - Time zone (for updating the time via the Internet)
- WIFI CAT Server - Server for receiving CAT commands via WIFI
- WIFI Update ESP firmware - Start cloud autoupdate firmware for ESP-01 (if present)
SD Card
- File Manager - Show SD Card file manager, support WAV playback and deleteing files, listening and broadcasting recordings, as well as updating firmware from a memory card
- USB SD Card Reader - Enable USB SD Card reader
- Export Settings - Export settings and calibration data to SD card
- Import Settings - Import settings and calibration data from SD card
- Format SD card - Format media drive
Calibration [appears by long pressing the MENU button in the settings menu]
- Encoder invert - Invert the rotation of the main encoder
- Encoder2 invert - Invert the rotation of the additional encoder
- Encoder debounce - Time of debouncing contacts of the main encoder
- Encoder2 debounce - Time of debouncing contacts of the additional encoder
- Encoder slow rate - Deceleration rate of the main encoder
- Encoder on falling - The encoder is triggered only when level A falls
- Encoder acceleration - The encoder acceleration on faster rotation speeds
- RF-Unit Type - RF-Unit Type (QRP / BIG)
- Tangent Type - Select tangent type
- CICCOMP Shift - Bit shift after CIC compensator
- TX CICCOMP Shift - Bit shift after TX CIC compensator
- DAC Shift - Bit shift of the output to the DAC
- RF GAIN xxx - Calibration of the maximum output power for each range. RF GAIN 0-100% - 50% driver bias, 101-200% - 75% driver bias, 201-300% - 100% driver bias.
- S METER - S-meter calibration
- ADC OFFSET - ADC offset calibration
- LPF END - LPF filter parameters
- HPF START - HPF filter parameters
- BPF x - Bandpass filter parameters
- SWR FWD/REF RATE - Adjustment of the transformation ratio of the SWR meter (forward / return)
- VCXO Correction - Frequency adjustment of the reference oscillator
- FAN Medium start - Temperature of the PA for starting the fan at medium speed
- FAN Medium stop - Temperature of the PA for stopping the fan
- FAN Full start - Temperature of the PA for starting the fan at full speed
- MAX RF Temp - Maximum temperature of the PA before the protection operation
- MAX SWR - Maximum VSWR before protection operation
- SSB Power addition - Addition of RF power in SSB power, %
- FM Deviation Scale - Set TX FM Deviation Scale
- AM Modulation Index - Set TX AM Modulation Scale
- MAX PWR on Meter - Maximim RF power (for indication)
- MAX Power in TUNE - Maximum RF power in Tune mode
- RTC COARSE CALIBR - Very coarse clock crystal calibration
- RTC FINE CALIBR - Clock crystal calibration, one division is 0.954 ppm
- EXT xxx - External port control by band (EXT3, EXT2, EXT1, EXT0) - open drain
- NOTX xxx - Disable TX on selected bands
- ENABLE 60m/4m/AIR/Marine Band - Enable hidden bands
- OTA Update - Enable OTA firmware update over WiFi
- TX Start Delay - Delay before the RF signal is applied (ms), so that the relay has time to trigger
- LCD Rotate - Rotate screen at 180 degrees
- ATU Averaging - The number of steps of averaging SWR values during measurements in the operation of an automatic tuner
- CAT Type - Type of CAT subsystem (FT-450 / TS-2000)
- LNA Compensation - Compensates the S-meter value when the LNA is turned on, dBm
- TSignal Balance - Sets the power balance between signals in Two signal tune mode
- Linear Pwr Control - Sets a linear way to change the signal amplitude when adjusting the power (if disabled - logarithmic)
Set Clock Time
- Clock setting
DFU Mode
- Launch STM32 USB firmware update over DFU mode
OTA Update
- Launch FPGA/STM32 firmware update over internet
System info
- Show info about TRX
Spectrum Analyzer
- Spectrum START - Start the spectrum analyzer
- Begin, kHz - Starting frequency of the analyzer with a step of 1 kHz
- End, kHz - End frequency of the analyzer in 1kHz steps
- Top, dBm - Upper threshold of the graph
- Bottom, dBm - Lower threshold of the graph
WSPR Beacon
- WSPR Beacon START - Start WSPR beacon
- Freq offset - Offset from center of WSPR band
- WSPR Band xxx - Select bands to WSPR beacon
DX Cluster
- Show DX Cluster info by current band (from internet)
- Show propagination statistics (from internet)
DayNight Map
- Displaying the day/night terminator on the map (from internet)
SWR Analyser
- Run SWR analizer (Band SWR - on current band, HF SWR - on all HF bands, Custom SWR - in selected range)
RDA Statistics
- Print statistics from RDA award (from internet)
Record CQ message
- Record a short message for quick broadcast
- FT8 Receiver / transmitter
Locator Info
- Calculate distance and azimuth from QTH-locator
Callsign Info
- Show callsign data
Self Test
- Run hardware self diagnostic