Wyn Price
Wyn Price
It seems like there's been an update in forge that causes this error. I'm away from my computer for a week so I can't do anything, but once I get...
There would be issues
Stuff probably won't render correctly with the latest version of forge. A version of forge broke my blocks rendering system
I'm on a plane home. I'll look for stuff in a few days once I'm not jetlagged
Optifine breaks alot of things with alot of mods. I *try* to have compact, but sometimes it's simply not possible. Something must have changed in the lastest optifine. I'll try...
@TheRealDadbeard it'll be an issue on my end. Srm does some hacky stuff and I don't want to bother sp614x about changing stuff to comply with my hacky stuff
I'm working on it. There are previous versions of optifine that work, just not the latest. I don't think forge microblocks had the same issue as me
Go to: https://github.com/Wyn-Price/SecretRooms/ and could you provide more information about how it's not working
I believe this is an error with optifine compatibility with forge, more specifically, `IModelData` not being handled correctly.