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Correct way to install Wyliodrin STUDIO
- [X ] Put an X between the brackets on this line if you have done all of the following:
- Restarted Chrome (close all Chrome windows and apps)
- Have the latest Wyliodrin STUDIO version (10.9)
Cannot install Wyliodrin STUDIO
Steps to Reproduce
I have had horrible time when trying to install Wyliodrin STUDIO 10.9 to new Raspberry Pi 3 Model B which has NOOBS Raspbian 2.3.0. I plan to make programs this same Raspberry using visual programming which translates to Python.
How you guys do it successfully?
This is my installation method starting from empty SD-card and it fails:
TechRadar “Install Wyliodrin manually” instructions in side panel of article: http://www.techradar.com/how-to/how-to-use-a-raspberry-pi-to-control-your-smart-home
I do it this way: “Advanced users can, however, add it on to an existing Raspbian installation”
Format 16GB SD-card correctly to FAT32 using ApplePi-Baker helper app
Copy all files in NOOBS_v2_3_0 folder to SD-card
Put card to Raspberry and turn on
Install Raspbian
Set clock Setup network Set locale, timezone, keyboard, wifi country
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade
wget “https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Wyliodrin/wyliodrin-server/master/scripts/install_raspberrypi.sh”
Checked that filesystem is extended
These instructions are little blurry:
“You also need to select ‘Advanced Options’ and select ‘A6 SPI – Enable/Disable automatic loading’. Repeat for ‘A7 I2C – Enable/Disable automatic loading’ and ‘A8 Serial – Disable serial shell’. “
Does that mean that SPI is enabled, I2C is enabled and serial login shell and serial interface is disabled??
sudo nano /boot/config.txt
Added: dtparam=i2c1=on
sudo nano /etc/modules - added these rows:
i2c-dev i2c-bcm2708
sudo chmod +x ./install_raspberrypi.sh sudo ./install_raspberrypi.sh
I then continued TechRadar instructions from “However, for the purposes of this tutorial we’re going to switch focus to the Wyliodrin STUDIO application…”
Installed Wyliodrin STUDIO app from Chrome store
During installation Wyliodrin changes my working network settings from these:
These work for me. i don’t use ethernet at all:
source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d auto lo iface lo inet loopback allow-hotplug wlan0 iface wlan inet dhcp wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf wpa-ssid “net_name_is_here” wpa-psk “password_is_here”
to these settings:
auto lo iface lo inet loopback iface eth0 inet dhcp allow-hotplug wlan0 auto wlan0 iface wlan0 inet manual wpa-roam /etc/wyliodrin/wireless.conf iface default inet dhcp
BTW, if i now type to terminal
and then type
I get error
su: Authentication failure
And i’m not changed password at all
Then i type
sudo passwd
And i type twice
It changes password to raspberry successfully and if i test it with su, it accepts it too so now surely password is ‘raspberry’
Now i launch Wyliodrin STUDIO app, click Exit, click Connect,
If i use Wyliodrin network settings, then it lists just Chrome and IP Address.
If i modify network settings back to my own settings and launch STUDIO, click Exit, in menubar is only Disconnected, flag, ?, folder and Connect buttons, i then click Connect, now it shows raspberrypi Linux //, Chrome Local Computer and IP Address and i click raspberrypi, it then shows IP Port 22, Username pi Password raspberry. Then i click Connect.
It show only few seconds in top right ?, folder icon, “Raspberry Pi 192.168.100” and power icon and left it shows for few seconds “Connecting” and linux symbol penguin. Then all icons revert to back. It don’t show any other icons like play (triangle) or 5-6 other icons i have seen in screen shots.
Error: “Login failed, please check your username and password.”
I have tried to install STUDIO million times using many different instructions and it always fails.
So what i do wrong?
Expected behavior: [What you expect to happen]
Installs correctly.
Actual behavior: [What actually happens]
Install fail.
Reproduces how often: [What percentage of the time does it reproduce?]
Wyliodrin STUDIO: 10.9
Chrome browser: Chromium 56.0.2924.84
OS name: Raspbian OS version: NOOBS 2.3.0
Additional Information
Any additional information, configuration or data that might be necessary to reproduce the issue.
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