
Results 55 comments of WyattBlue

I've changed how splits worked so that: ``` auto-editor example.mp4 --silent-speed 1 --export premiere ``` Now adds the splits. Screenshot: ![out](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/57511737/184023477-51a0e037-409f-40df-a0e9-d851adec8544.jpg) This change replaces the previous behavior of just connecting...

Your ALTERED video has only 1 keyframe which explains the difficulty when jumping back and forth. What's strange is when running your input video on my computer, the output does...

Even example.mp4, the canonical video used for testing?

> Hi WyattBlue, Yes, the problem still exist. Can you send the affected video?

Does this happen on the latest version?

Here's a source only formula I quickly came up with. Maybe someone more familiar with brew could improve it. ```ruby class AutoEditor < Formula include Language::Python::Virtualenv desc "Effort free video...

Do you have ffmpeg on your PATH? running `which ffmpeg` should output: ``` /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg ```