Wurst7 copied to clipboard
Adds Lawnmower Hack, adds convenience functions to BlockUtils
Added LawnmowerHack. Designed with McMMO Herbalism in mind, it automatically breaks grass and plant blocks in an aura around you.
- Range: default 5 blocks
- Priority: default angle
- InstantBreak via packet spam: default off (one block at a time)
- breakWheat: default false
- breakVines: default false (vine, cavevine, twisted vines, weeping vines)
- breakLilyPads: default true
- breakFlowers: default true (All but whither flowers)
- breakFerns: default true (ferns and large ferns)
- breakMushrooms: default true (red and brown)
- breakGrass: default true (grass, tall-grass, seagrass, and tall-seagrass)
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