Elderov Ali

Results 88 issues of Elderov Ali

another good option to store all settings in `package.json` or maybe in `".uuidgenrc"` file to put this config in git repo across all team members to avoid manual job be...

More information needed

Hallo guys, has anyone this problem too? https://github.com/EddyVerbruggen/cordova-plugin-touch-id/issues/95 i was set breakpoints into all possible positions and I found only one which brings me to this plugin back ) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2271337/85723091-30304780-b6f3-11ea-90c4-37db51267824.png)

please add `*.d.ts`

plugin.xml: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2271337/75796959-b1df1c80-5d74-11ea-8eec-e0c074339975.png) package.json: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/2271337/75796982-b86d9400-5d74-11ea-933d-dcb6780f736c.png)

hi! < div data-role="fieldcontain"> < label for="select-choice-3" class="select">Your state: < select name="select-choice-3" id="select-choice-3" data-native-menu="false"> < option value="AL">Alabama < option value="AK">Alaska < option value="AZ">Arizona < option value="AR">Arkansas ... page-dialog with options-list...

after Form submit on the right side i see a left side Menü on the right side! how can i fix this?

Dear @devgeeks, it will be great, If we can see all changes (small or big) in CHANGELOG file. Especially if there are breaking changes. thank you very much!

Any info for progress?