DRAM copied to clipboard
Hi, there,
I ran DRAMv, and got the following error
UserWarning: No descriptions were found for your id's. Does this YP_656630.1 look like an id from viral_description
I am not quite familiar with the viral database, any suggestions?
Try DRAM-setup.py --update_description_db
this usually solves this problem.
Thanks for your solution. This solves the key error. I am having another issue here:
File "/tools/mylib/python-3.8.0-sqlite/lib/python3.8/site-packages/mag_annotator/annotate_bins.py", line 495, in
By the way, this happens below this line: 0:10:10.725917: Merging ORF annotations
Interesting, I thought we got this solved, what version of dram was it?
I am using 1.3.
What is the output of DRAM-setup.py version
Yes. 1.3 is the output of DRAM-setup.py. I did not find options from DRAM-v.py or DRAM.py to print out the version information.
If that is really the version please upgrade to 1.3.6, it should have the correct bug fix. If the problem persists on this version and you can upload the data you ran on please do so and I will find the bug immediately. You may also be able to fix this by manually editing the annotations file in Excel or similar, renaming the column that is 0 if it exists.
To upgrade to 1.3.6, do I need to git clone? I used the "Releases" link and downloaded 1.3. If I want to do the correction myself, namely "renaming the column that is 0 if it exists", where file(s) should change? I mean should change the python code or the annotation files?
Sorry for the delay thing get lost hopfully you got 1.3.6 orherwise things will be fixed in 3.14 wich will hit conda soon.