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Support for Bushido T1981 brake (~46, 101)
Any chance this will work with the pre-smart Bushido trainers? I've been using antifier with my old i-flow but have a chance to get a Bushido from a friend. Model number is T1981, it is headless but works fine on TTS3/4 Thanks a lot!
How does bushido connect to TTS3/4 USB or wireless
The Bushidos are all wireless. The pre-smart versions (T1980, T1981) use the proprietary ANT+ to connect to TTS. There is also a wireless head unit but this is optional as the Bushido could pair directly to the computer.
i-Vortex has a head unit which communicates wirelessly with the computer. The head unit has buttons so you can use it manually.
If it is i-Vortex compatible it may work.
I think the Vortex and the Bushido are quite similar. Is there already a way to run a Vortex and a power curve for it?
-t i-Vortex see manual If more info needed, lrt me know. Description is not very extensive
I read that. I'll try it out when the trainer arrives and let you know how it works. Thanks!
HI @mac2444; just keep me posted what happens. In the meantime I'm always curious where FortiusANT landed; please introduce yourself and let me know where you are located!
Wouter, I'm in Calgary, Canada. The weather here has already taking a towards the winter ahead so obviously bike trainers enter the mind. With all the people forced to work from home or out of work all together, bikes and trainers have been sold out completely here for months. That's what got me digging into options and helped me find your site.
Hi "Mac"; great that FortiusANT has found its way to sporty Calgary. I'm from the Netherlands and winter has started here as well, combined with a semi-lockdown. So: tacx-time; although we can (mtb)bike all year since there is never much snow.
Greetz Wouter
Hello Wouter! I too may be able to assist with Bushido testing. I have the same unit from the sounds of it. I will download and give it a try.
P.S. Writing from Ottawa, Ontario in Canada.
@mac2444 - I think we are going to have to work through some of the same steps described in Issue 101 - to try to determine whether either the brake or the headunit can be seen and whether it takes the same commands as i-vortex headunit or brake does.
Sadly, the trainer I was going to get was sold. I have a friend with the same one, I'm going to borrow it off him when I can and see if it will show up on the program. I'll let you know what happens.
Plenty 2nd hand @ may be similar in other countries.
Not here, I'm afraid. With the early cold weather, trainers are sold out in all the stores until next year and used ones are gone the same day they are listed.
All; indeed please follow #101 and check for interface.
Not here, I'm afraid. With the early cold weather, trainers are sold out in all the stores until next year and used ones are gone the same day they are listed.
If thinking global :-) Tacx Fortius EUR 100,= Shipping worldwide EUR 100,=
I already have an i-flow and an i-magic trainer, so that will keep me going till the new ones are available again. I was just hoping to upgrade to the bushido as the price was very good on it. Thanks for looking though
Hello, Can I use the Bushido with the ivortex setting -t I-Vortex or do I have to change some thing?
No, since Bushido uses different codes. Please follow this thread for developments.
@Marmi86 welcome in our community; where are you from?
I implemented support for the Genius brake (see aforementioned issue #101). According to the information sources I used, the Bushido should be compatible with the Genius protocol.
Therefore you could try the code in #131 and see if it works when starting FortiusANT with the option -t i-Genius
Please keep me updated if you try it out, I would be curious if it works with Bushido.
@Marmi86 welcome in our community; where are you from? @WouterJD
Hello Wouter, I came from Germany .
@m472 Thank you , i will testing your setting with i-genius
Edit: When I started FortiusANT 3.5 or your Fork .I get follow issus 18:54:37,462: Command line error; -t incorrect value=i-Genius My ForitusANT exe : FortiusANT.exe -a -g -H0 -t i-Genius or FortiusANT.exe -g -t i-Genius
My Tacx Hardware:
- Tacx Flow with Headunit Works nice with FortiusANT -Tacx Bushido
Hi @Marmi86
Thank you for trying to test my modifications!
Took me a moment to realize where the problem lies... I updated and tested only the python source code as I am running FortiusANT on Linux. As a result the Windows executable you are trying to run is not built from the latest version of the source code.
I will try to build the Windows executable and upload it.
Edit: I was not able to build the .exe yet, but I will try again tomorrow evening
Hi @Marmi86
Thank you for trying to test my modifications!
Took me a moment to realize where the problem lies... I updated and tested only the python source code as I am running FortiusANT on Linux. As a result the Windows executable you are trying to run is not built from the latest version of the source code.
I will try to build the Windows executable and upload it.
Edit: I was not able to build the .exe yet, but I will try again tomorrow evening
Which device connects to FortiusAnt, the Headunit or the Brake? @m472 Can you send me a instruction how to install FortiusAnt on Linux? I will use FortiusAnt with a Raspberry
For installation instructions please have a look at the FortiusANT user manual:
As far as I understand actually both devices connect to FortiusANT via separate channels.
Hi Guys,
I recently bought a Bushido on Marktplaats (and found out it was a T1981 which doesn't work with Zwift....) and after a struggle with TTS4 I stumbled into FortiusANT! So I'm very curious on the developments in this thread. If I can help in any way with testing, I will be glad to do!
@m472 Can you send me your exe file??
i testing on Ubuntu 20.04 ,i have the same issues: pc@ubuntu:~$ sudo python3 ./FortiusAnt/pythoncode/ -t i-Genius
19:20:23,737: Command line error; -t incorrect value=i-Genius
Version 3.5
Ok ,testing your Fork Genius_Support I can start Fortius with parameter i-genius
Edit Can you compile your Genius fork into exe file?
As soon as the Genius software is stable and confirmed, I can integrate.
Wouter, I did managed to try the 3.5 release with my Bushido T1980 and T1981 head unit. I tried using the -t i-Vortex command and was not able to find the trainer. Without the -t I was able to find a Wahoo SCS on a previous run so at least I can verify that my ANT+ sticks are working. From the post from Marmi86, it looks like there will soon be new i-Genius code to try with it so I will wait for that until further testing unless you have other suggestions.
Output from test below.
C:\Users\hlindley\Downloads\FortiusANT-master\FortiusANT-master\WindowsExecutable>Fortiusant.exe -t i-Vortex 23:36:07,196: Dongle - Using Dynastream Innovations dongle 23:36:07,196: Tacx - Pair with Tacx i-Vortex and Headunit 23:36:07,198: AntHRM - Heartrate expected from Tacx Trainer 23:36:08,340: FortiusANT broadcasts data as an ANT+ Controlled Fitness Equipent device (FE-C), id=57591 23:36:08,522: FortiusANT broadcasts data as an ANT+ Heart Rate Monitor (HRM), id=57592 23:36:08,707: FortiusANT receives data from an ANT+ Tacx i-Vortex (VTX Controller), any device 23:36:08,939: FortiusANT receives data from an ANT+ Tacx i-Vortex Headunit (VHU Controller), any device 23:36:09,148: FortiusANT broadcasts data as an ANT+ Bicycle Power Sensor (PWR), id=57596 23:36:09,340: FortiusANT broadcasts data as an ANT+ Speed and Cadence Sensor (SCS), id=57595 23:36:09,525: Ctrl-C to exit 23:36:09,525: Tacx - Pair with Tacx i-Vortex and Headunit 23:36:09,525: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:10,549: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:11,576: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:12,616: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:13,649: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:14,682: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:15,706: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:16,731: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:17,752: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:18,791: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:19,821: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:20,862: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:21,901: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:22,952: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:23,984: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:25,017: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:26,062: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:27,070: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:28,114: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:29,134: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:30,179: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:31,223: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:32,245: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:33,283: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:34,328: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:35,352: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:36,376: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:37,429: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:38,455: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:39,495: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:40,542: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:41,573: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:42,606: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:43,663: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:44,683: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:45,711: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:46,753: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:47,790: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:48,822: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:49,875: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:50,909: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:51,937: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:52,982: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:54,014: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:55,037: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:56,079: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:57,113: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:58,149: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:36:59,189: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:37:00,211: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:37:01,250: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:37:02,264: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:37:03,287: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:37:04,324: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:37:05,357: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:37:06,402: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15 23:37:07,439: Target=100W Speed= 0.0kmh hr= 0 Current= 0W Cad= 0 r= 100 T= 15
Bushido appears to have other ANT+ id's (network numbers), so -t i-Vortex does not work. Please follow #101 !