@emrecelikten Yes that looks fine.
Runs fine from terminal but not double-clicked? Might it be something with the run settings (Finder File/Get Info)?
@emrecelikten do you still have this problem? I'm on Sierra now and here the control panel works fine. my FS is case insensitive and I would not know even how...
@emrecelikten thanks for coming back to this. I close this issue !
Doing tests on Mojave now. This skin issue appears here too. If you open the Controlpanel package contents (right click) and then go to Contents/MacOS/EMU USB Audio Control Panel, it...
@log4x4 Thanks for confirming!
@bezromval reported (another ticket) Confirm working in MacOs High Sierra 10.13.3 with E-mu Tracker Pre: I am here just to say the greatest thank you in the world. Driver totally...
@longeee posted (another ticket) macOS High Sierra 10.13.4 - E-MU Tracker Pre - Working Driver! I confirm that the driver works flawlessly with E-MU Tracker Pre on Hackintosh macOS High...
@JasF reported in another ticket 10.12.4 macOS Sierra works ultimately good!
A russian user reported 23 june that 0202 works properly on all frequencies.