Wouter Koppenol
Wouter Koppenol
It's now using supervisor so it's not that bad really, but getting more docker experience can't hurt.
Just realised this the other day that THAT's how you're supposed to handle those custom scripts.
I'd like to make it easier for people to leave feedback for the site. This can be a generic "leave feedback" tab to the side of your screen while not...
There has been a request for a cookie opt-out. I did some research a while ago and I thought I was OK with having just a notification banner, but perhaps...
Something I've been meaning to revisit. Devise a way to handle authorization properly on a bunch of pages using Policies.
This is helpful in places like Waycrest where you can then easily see how much % you need before advancing to the next level.
A bunch of enemies have dangerous abilities, such as stuns, silences, magic shields (Kings' Rest/Tol Dagor) etc etc. It'd be great if these abilities could be mapped and displayed on...
To answer some, you know, FAQ. I also noticed the Infested functionality is not being used, I can imagine this is because people don't know how to use it since...