Tory S. Anderson

Results 52 issues of Tory S. Anderson

I have the following in my Straight config that should start ace-isearch at startup. Indeed, the configuration says global-ace-isearch-mode is on, but it isn't working (in buffers of any type)...

When I have Prescient, things are amazing. I love it. However, it seems to periodically just STOP, and I'm having trouble finding the right combination of turning it off, re-evaluating,...

I used to use helm, and then ivy, to select addresses for emails I'm composing. I've now written it up using `completing-read-multiple` and at first it appears to work fine;...

I have AC-Ispell running and working alongside flyspell on one of my orgmode journal buffers; but to actually get a suggestion, I have to wait about 2 seconds for anything...

No matter how many I select and kill. They are all killed, so it works -- but the message is incorrect.

My lein project has one target defstyle as its garden-style. However, that defstyle draws upon values in several other files. When I change those files, (all under my /styles dir)...

I just want to try out clj-media to probe the aspect ratio of input videos. However, I am getting an error when I try to use it. I use leiningen....

Many of my commands spawn async shell processes, which are then a useless part of the list that is cycled through. This causes `async-shell-command` buffers to be ignored by better-shell.

My remote shell prompt in better-shell always shows `/ssh:SERVER:/home/USER/ #$` , regardless of what the bashrc says on that server. Further, that directory `/home/USER`, is permanent, and it doesn't matter...

Why does elfeed-org always clone a copy of org even when my org recipe has `straight (:type built-in)`? After an annoying bit of bisection I found that without elfeed-org, the...
