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A PulseSensor library (for Arduino) that collects our most popular projects in one place.

Results 27 PulseSensorPlayground issues
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Hello, I am using Arduino Nano 33 BLE sense and PulseSensor_BPM_Alternative code. It is working for the serial plotter, but I get very high values in the serial monitor. Is...

Hello All, When I run the getting started example sketch I can see a pulse signal in my serial plotter, which tells me my sensor is working, however, when I...

The code sets threshold by using pulseSensor.setThreshold(THRESHOLD). But I found out that it doesn't work for the second pulsesensor (pin A1, not A0). It continues to output data whatever threshold...

Hi, I am trying to calculate the RMSDD and SDNN statistics after collecting IBI, BPM data using your library with an Arduino Uno. I was digging around online and actually...

Hello, I have been trying to get the PulseSensor_BPM_Alternative example to work with my Adafruit Feather nRF52832 board but have been unsuccessful. I have read through the other issue here...

Hi, I am using this board, and I am having trouble getting the PulseSensor_BPM to work

Hello, I am currently working on a project that incorporates two pulse sensors. We are trying to compare whether one artery has greater blood flow than its counterpart on the...

Dear @biomurph Setup : **Arduino pro mini 3V 8MHz ATM328P but powered through usb for debugging.** **The port used for the sensor is : A1** ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/6151258/120513546-ad1c7480-c3cc-11eb-9ed7-e1b4b5f77d7d.png) I tried with PulseSensorPlayground...

Hello, so I've been working on getting the 'Getting BPM to Monitor' code to work on the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense. Looking through some of the other code here,...

I am getting values over 900 consistently. This is a new product. I am using the "Getting Started" code from the playground. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/62958051/105644991-dea59200-5e66-11eb-8f63-a5218c83136e.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/62958051/105645007-f9780680-5e66-11eb-9496-1590673acd5d.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/62958051/105645048-3217e000-5e67-11eb-9f90-9c51bf010eee.png)