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performance copied to clipboard

Module Proposal: Image size creation on demand.

Open stuk88 opened this issue 1 year ago • 3 comments


  • Proposed module name: Automated image size creation based on request.
  • Proposed module slug: image-generation-on-demand
  • Proposed module owner GitHub username(s): stuk88

About the module

A module that will prevent the creation of all sizes for each image uploaded, and instead will generate the image size that required from the client browser.


Will decrease the uploads folder size, and will allow adding image sizes as much as needed, without the need to worry about creating too much images and taking too much disk space.


Its a simple image generation plugin + htaccess to catch all non existent images in the uploads folder and load the generation script


  • Reduces the space needed for the system.
  • Allows adding unlimited sizes for images.

stuk88 avatar Apr 25 '23 13:04 stuk88