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health-check copied to clipboard

Headings shouldn't use a serif font

Open afercia opened this issue 5 years ago • 3 comments

Not sure why the headings use a serif font:

Screenshot 2019-03-16 at 13 45 51

This is unprecedented in core, where serif fonts are not used, and for good reasons.

If Health Check is going to be part of core, I'd say it should just use the core styles. No exceptions, consistency is important.

afercia avatar Mar 16 '19 12:03 afercia

I questioned this as well at first, but @hedgefield mentioned it is the heading font used by Gutenberg, giving a ping as he's likely the better person to answer this than I (the generic serif is if the Google font isn't loaded)

Clorith avatar Mar 16 '19 20:03 Clorith

The heading font used by Gutenberg depends on the active theme.

afercia avatar Mar 17 '19 11:03 afercia

I find the font adds a bit of flair to the page, but it works fine with the sans-serif font too, if that's better for a11y, go with that. 👍

hedgefield avatar Mar 18 '19 09:03 hedgefield

These screens now use WordPress core styling, and is sans-serif at this time :)

Clorith avatar Sep 10 '22 17:09 Clorith