application-passwords copied to clipboard
Add a filter to disable the application password authentication
Any word on this, is there a way we can manually check for this on our custom endpoints?
Just worth noting that on the core proposal, the wp_is_application_passwords_available
filter is available -- it isn't itself specific to endpoints, as the authentication mechanism can also work with xmlrpc requests and is more agnostic than specific to a specific api implementation, but an earlier action could check the path and disable it if desired.
Here's what I came up with to bypass application passwords on a specific endpoint to allow for custom authentication.
function bypass_application_passwords_for_webhook ($available) {
// if we can't get the current request URL, return default
global $wp;
if ( ! is_object ($wp) || empty ($wp->request)) {
return $available;
// the path of the current request
$current_path = trim ($wp->request, '/');
// the webhook path (which we want to bypass application passwords)
$webhook_url = \rest_url (REST_NAMESPACE . REST_ROUTE);
$webhook_path = trim (parse_url ($webhook_url, PHP_URL_PATH), '/');
// if the current path is the webhook path, bypass application password authentication
if ($current_path == $webhook_path) {
return false;
return $available;
add_filter ('wp_is_application_passwords_available', 'bypass_application_passwords_for_webhook');