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Theme.json - Lesson Plan

Open courtneyr-dev opened this issue 2 years ago • 23 comments

Related Resources

  • https://developer.wordpress.org/block-editor/how-to-guides/themes/theme-json/

Topic Description

Write a description of the topic here.

Related Resources

Links to related content on Learn, HelpHub, DevHub, GitHub Gutenberg Issues, DevNotes, etc.


Review the team guidelines

Development Checklist:

  • [ ] Gather links to Support and Developer Docs
  • [ ] Consider any MarComms (marketing communications) resources and link to those
  • [ ] Review any related material on Learn
  • [ ] Define several SEO keywords to use in the article and where they should be prominently used
  • [ ] Description and Objectives finalized
  • [ ] Create an outline of the example lesson walk-through
  • [ ] Draft lesson plan
  • [ ] Copy edit
  • [ ] Style guide review
  • [ ] Instructional Review
  • [ ] Final review
  • [ ] Publish
  • [ ] Announce to the Training team
  • [ ] Announce to lesson plan creator
  • [ ] Announce to marketing
  • [ ] Gather feedback from lesson plan users about the quality

Repo Structure and Lesson Plan Template

Please remove all blockquote comments such as this before publishing.


A short paragraph explaining what is covered in the lesson plan. This should be text that can be copied and used in a meetup or workshop description.


After completing this lesson, participants will be able to:

  • Objective 1
  • Objective 2

It’s required that you include a bulleted list of objective(s) for each lesson plan. Objectives should be worded as actions that the participant can do once they’ve finished. See Bloom's Taxonomy of Action Verbs (PDF) as a reference. Avoid using words like "know," "understand," "be introduced to," etc. There should be one assement item for each objective (see below).

Target Audience

Who is this lesson intended for? What interests/skills would they bring? Put an "x" in the brackets for all that apply.

  • [ ] Users / Content Writers
  • [ ] Designers
  • [ ] Developers
  • [ ] Speakers
  • [ ] Organizers
  • [ ] Kids

Experience Level

How much experience would a participant need to get the most from this lesson? Put an "x" in the brackets for all that apply.

  • [ ] Beginner
  • [ ] Intermediate
  • [ ] Advanced

Type of Instruction

Which strategies will be used for this lesson plan? Put an "x" in the brackets for all that apply.

  • [ ] Demonstration
  • [ ] Discussion
  • [ ] Exercises
  • [ ] Feedback
  • [ ] Lecture (Presentation)
  • [ ] Slides
  • [ ] Show & Tell
  • [ ] Tutorial

Time Estimate (Duration)

How long will it take to present this lesson? Put an "x" in the brackets for the one that applies.

  • [ ] 1 hour or less
  • [ ] 2-4 hours (half-day)
  • [ ] 5-8 hours (full-day)
  • [ ] 2 days
  • [ ] 3 days or more

Prerequisite Skills

Participants will get the most from this lesson if they have familiarity with:

  • Skill 1
  • Skill 2

For example:

  • Experience with HTML and CSS
  • Completed the Basic WordPress Concepts lesson

Readiness Questions

  • Question 1
  • Question 2

A list of questions for participants to see if they have the background and skills necessary to learn and understand the lesson.

For example:

  • Do you want to makes changes to your theme yourself?
  • Do you know how to write CSS?


Change the /repo-name/ in the link to match the URL name of this repo.

  • Slides (files included in this repo)

Materials Needed

  • Item 1
  • Item 2

A list of files, resources, equipment, or other materials the presenter will need for the lesson.

For example:

  • A local install of WordPress
  • The files for the TwentySixteen theme

Notes for the Presenter

  • Note 1
  • Note 2

A list of any handy tips or other information for the presenter.

For example:

  • Participants may need to download the TwentySixteen theme before beginning
  • What to do if there’s no projector or internet available
  • What to do if a participant doesn’t have the necessary set up
  • How to handle different opinions about the topic

Lesson Outline

  • First do this
  • Then move on to this
  • Finish with this

The plan for the lesson. Outline form works well.

For example:

  • Talk about what a theme is
  • Demonstrate how to install and activate a theme
  • Practice exercises to have participants find and install a theme on their own site


Exercise name

Short description of what the exercise does and what skills or knowledge it reinforces.

  • Short point or step of the exercise
  • And another one

These are short or specific activities that help participants practice certain components of the lesson. They should not be fully scripted exercises, but rather something that participants could do on their own. For example, you can create an exercise based on one step of the Example Lesson.


There should be one assement item (or more) for each objective listed above. Each assessment item should support an objective; there should be none that don't.

Write out the question.

  1. Option
  2. Option
  3. Option
  4. Option

Answer: 3. Correct answer

A few questions to ask participants to evaluate their retention of the material presented. They should be a measure of whether the objectives were reached. Consider having a question for each objective.

Additional Resources

  • Resource 1
  • Resource 2

An optional section which can contain a list of resources that the presenter can use to get more information on the topic.

For example:

  • Link to information on the Codex
  • Theme Review Team's Handbook

Example Lesson

An example of how the lesson plan can be implemented. Written in script form as one possible way an presenter might use this lesson plan at an event, with screenshots and instructions if necessary.

Section Heading for Example Lesson

You will likely need to break the Example Lesson down into multiple sections.

Lesson Wrap Up

Follow with the Exercises and Assessment outlined above.

courtneyr-dev avatar Mar 02 '22 17:03 courtneyr-dev

Theme.json is a moving target where features are added regularly, how would this lesson plan handle new features? would those be considered separate lesson plans or would they require updating this lesson plan?

caraya avatar Mar 29 '22 17:03 caraya

We would continue to revise the existing lesson plan.

courtneyr-dev avatar Mar 30 '22 00:03 courtneyr-dev

I would like to take a shot at writing this

caraya avatar Apr 05 '22 21:04 caraya

Assigned. I'll reach out for your .org username to get you access on LearnWP. We draft directly there usually.

courtneyr-dev avatar Apr 05 '22 23:04 courtneyr-dev

Is there a doc outlining what the workflow for drafting directly on LearnWP is? I'm not seeing it

caraya avatar Apr 07 '22 16:04 caraya

Share how to enqueue webfonts. https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/pull/39988

courtneyr-dev avatar Apr 07 '22 22:04 courtneyr-dev

Draft at https://learn.wordpress.org/wp-admin/post.php?post=15349&action=edit when you have login access @caraya - just draft on site but please do not publish. We use a standard format which I've applied already to this post.

courtneyr-dev avatar Apr 07 '22 23:04 courtneyr-dev

Share how to enqueue webfonts. WordPress/gutenberg#39988

This is. different than what's out in Gutenberg 12.8.

This is adding a way to load Google fonts in a way that complies with GDPR requirements but it hasn't landed and I'm not sure if it's on track to land on 6.0. There are questions I have about this and I'm not sure where to ask them

caraya avatar Apr 09 '22 19:04 caraya

It's looking like WebFonts and Theme Style Variations won't make it into 6.0. @caraya I'll update when we have a definite answer.


courtneyr-dev avatar Apr 15 '22 11:04 courtneyr-dev

I wrote it as a feature requiring Gutenberg installed.

I will make sure to include a note that this is not available in Core

caraya avatar Apr 15 '22 15:04 caraya

Ready For Review. Can't add a label to it

caraya avatar Apr 17 '22 01:04 caraya

Hi @caraya Could you post the link the draft lesson plan here. 👍

westnz avatar May 20 '22 02:05 westnz

Hi @caraya Could you post the link the draft lesson plan here. 👍

Sorry, here it is


caraya avatar May 20 '22 20:05 caraya

This is so thorough! Taking a look now:

What I love:

  • Excellent readiness questions! I feel prepared for the lesson.
  • Participant introductions are solid!
  • I adore the script! I am following it so far; it's concise and clear, especially if learners have some knowledge of existing coding knowledge.
  • I really, REALLY like your comment about accessibility when choosing colors. Yes!
  • Your outline is thorough, but would allow an instructor to do more than read the text. It's very streamlined but would allow a teacher to add their own flare to the instruction.

What could use a change:

  1. QUICK FIX: Pre-Requisite: After reading the lesson plan, I would suggest adding some basic knowledge of coding languages as a pre-requisite skill, as well as familiarity with full site editing, and a general idea of what functions.php does in a classic theme.
  2. Exercises: Exercises that have a little more in-depth instruction will help learners and teachers. For example, under "modify the core sections", you could have learners toggle certain things off and on (such as a border setting, a color option, etc.) and potentially adjust WHICH options are available/pre-set. Even providing 2 or 3 suggestions will help guide everyone--otherwise, they may discover they can't decide what to start with!
  3. WE CAN HELP! Assessment questions: There are a lot of two-choice answers, but I bet we could come up with a few more robust questions. Let me know if you would like suggestions! :) Happy to help.
  4. QUICK FIX: I have a workshop ready that was based on this lesson plan that I can publish on using Schema with theme.json - a link out to it would set learners up for success!
  5. Some screenshots of what the theme.json may do to the backend site editor will help with clarity.

I will definitely need a developer to look at this, but with my basic background knowledge, this is thorough, stream-lined, and well done. I love this! Thank you for ALL your hard work and please don't hesitate to reach out if you'd like some assistance making these changes; I just don't want to step on your toes and make them without your permission :D

wparasae avatar May 22 '22 23:05 wparasae

I will definitely need a developer to look at this, but with my basic background knowledge, this is thorough, stream-lined, and well done. I love this! Thank you for ALL your hard work and please don't hesitate to reach out if you'd like some assistance making these changes; I just don't want to step on your toes and make them without your permission :D


Thank you for your feedback 😄

If you want to make changes, go ahead. The goal is to make the lesson plan the best it can be, no permission needed

caraya avatar May 23 '22 19:05 caraya

This is not ready to publish yet. IT has still some work to do.

caraya avatar Jun 29 '22 03:06 caraya

I've removed the "Ready to publish tag". Let us know when you're ready. Thanks.

azhiya avatar Jul 25 '22 10:07 azhiya


courtneyr-dev avatar Jul 27 '22 16:07 courtneyr-dev

@courtneyr-dev SInce I'm still working on finishing the lesson plan I'll work on incorporating this new element into the lesson plan before asking for another review

caraya avatar Jul 28 '22 22:07 caraya

Ready for review 😺

caraya avatar Jul 29 '22 09:07 caraya

Needs to incorporate the new variations block.json element.


caraya avatar Sep 01 '22 20:09 caraya

Box shadow addition https://make.wordpress.org/core/2022/09/16/whats-new-in-gutenberg-14-1-15-september/

courtneyr-dev avatar Oct 04 '22 17:10 courtneyr-dev

outline support was also added to blocks and elements via theme.json. For more information about overall changes to theme.json, please see the Expanded theme.json support and Styles options section below.

Code examples: view examples provided in the Styling elements in block themes dev note

Adoption approach: opt-in.

Key Make Posts/GitHub/Trac Issue(s):

Styling elements in block themes dev note. YouTube video from Dave Smith going over these new options.

courtneyr-dev avatar Oct 05 '22 10:10 courtneyr-dev

Same here-- will @caraya be working on this revisions or does this require reassigment?

Piyopiyo-Kitsune avatar Nov 15 '22 01:11 Piyopiyo-Kitsune

The lesson plan hasn't been published. Added a first pass at the bottom with the changes and I'm trying to figure out what's the best way to do exercises for the new additions

caraya avatar Nov 15 '22 03:11 caraya

I've completed the first pass at the updated content. I placed it at the bottom of the page to make it easier to review. I will move the content to its corresponding place after it has been reviewed.

I could use help with generating assessment questions


caraya avatar Dec 02 '22 05:12 caraya

6.2 (46813)

courtneyr-dev avatar Jan 13 '23 23:01 courtneyr-dev

Hi @caraya

This task is assigned to you, so I would like to ask if you have some bandwidth to work on the updates.

If you do not find time to work on this, It's OK. Please let us know so we can open this issue again, and someone else can volunteer.

For Context: WP 6.2 https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/pull/46813 You can check what needs to be updated.


webtechpooja avatar Mar 15 '23 06:03 webtechpooja

Hi @caraya

This task is assigned to you, so I would like to ask if you have some bandwidth to work on the updates.

I'm working on the updates for 6.0, 6.1 and 6.2

Finishing up with the assessment questions before posting the draft. This was never published so there is no existing content to use the extended revision plugin with

caraya avatar Mar 15 '23 09:03 caraya

Content is ready for review.

caraya avatar Mar 26 '23 12:03 caraya