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How to Create a Menu with the Navigation Block - Workshop
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Needs to be revised: https://github.com/WordPress/gutenberg/pull/37454
Please review https://github.com/WordPress/Documentation-Issue-Tracker/issues/297
This is published on Learn WP, and needs some revisions for 6.0. Putting it back into the earlier column, in discussions with Hauwa and Courtney.
Fix Navigation block fallbacks and entity saving. Navigation: Try making it possible for themes to have the X overlay the = icon. Navigation: Try adding minimal animation to overlay. Add select icon for Navigation Block's menu button. Use page list instead of placeholder as fallback.
Same here-- will you be working on these revisions @courtneyr-dev as the noted assignee or does this require reassignment?
6.2 Add List-Based Editing to Navigation Block https://make.wordpress.org/core/2022/11/23/whats-new-in-gutenberg-14-6-23-november/
6.2 Add List-Based Editing to Navigation Block https://make.wordpress.org/core/2022/11/23/whats-new-in-gutenberg-14-6-23-november/
@courtneyr-dev Hi Courtney, I know you are at WordCamp so I don't expect a reply until next week. I am interested in taking this tutorial over and doing a revision for 6.2. Do you feel this is still a relevant topic? Do you have any other thoughts about it? Thank you
@courtneyr-dev Hi Courtney, Wes reminded me that I commented on this tutorial and forgot to follow up. I would like to take it over if that is alright with you. Do you feel it is still an important topic for a tutorial?
@lada7042 I believe this is still a valuable Tutorial to work on. 6.3 introduced even more changes to how folks can edit their navigations within the Editor, and it's content I think many folks will find valuable.
@courtneyr-dev has been out sick for a while. I've gone ahead and re-assigned the content to you. Feel free to work on this as you have time 🙌
Started working on this tutorial
WP 6.4 Visuals: demo of adding a button to a menu. Adoption approach: N/A Key Make Posts/GitHub/Trac Issue(s): Navigation block: add buttons to list of allowed blocks (53966)
This content is ready to be reviewed. Please follow the steps listed under Guidelines for reviewing content. Thank you for your contribution! :sparkles:
Tutorial ready for review.
FYI- I know about the watermark. With the free version I only get 1 removal a month so saving it for final publishing.
Thank you for updating this tutorial @lada7042 Great work! The learning outcomes/objectives are clear. The narration audio matches what is shown visually, and I could easily follow the explanations and examples. I think adding a short section about submenus and some of the sidebar settings might be helpful.
Hi @lada7042, I watched the video, and in my opinion, it's really good! It's easy to understand and teaches a lot. The goals of what you'll learn are clear. The audio matches what you see, so it's easy to follow.
Hii @lada7042, After carefully examining the video, I believe it is exceptionally enlightening and has been conveyed in a manner that makes it easy to grasp.
Thank to all the reviewers, @westnz @priyanshi-vijay @itsgajendraSingh for taking the time to review the tutorial. I am going to add about 2 min. of the recommended additions of submenu and sidebar tools. Looking to publish next week.
Updated. Minus the watermarks.
Published! https://learn.wordpress.org/tutorial/how-to-create-a-menu-with-the-navigation-block-2/
Due to an issue. https://github.com/WordPress/Learn/issues/2093#issuecomment-1851254384 I needed to make edits to the video. Here is the updated version. https://github.com/WordPress/Learn/issues/2093#issuecomment-1851254384