kube-dump icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
kube-dump copied to clipboard

Backup a Kubernetes cluster as a yaml manifest

Results 19 kube-dump issues
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Hello, kube-dump fails to fill up the yaml files, the connection to the cluster works, in fact he can see al resources, but the files are empty and there is...

on OpenShift clusters it is common to have users/developers accounts with stripped down permissions. E.g. no access to "kube-system" at all, no listing of namespaces, ... kube-dump ns -n mynamespace...

In busybox ash, the realpath have no '--canonicalize-missing' option, remove it works well. Will u support and testing on busybox ash in the future? And this tool is very nice.

# Check command is exist I found require method to detect whether the command exists is invalid, take antisyntax problems Here's the correct way to write it require () {...

this script works on macOS too if you use homebrew, assuming you have all other dependencies already installed To get realpath it needs: `brew install coreutils`


The script relies on the existence of "realpath". That does not exist in MacOS, and there does not exist a ready made package to install that holds realpath. However, it...


Hi, trying to use the tool under MacOS (provided by default with bsdtar) is giving the following error when using archive options: > tar: Option --absolute-names is not supported Usage:...


Hello All, I ran kube-dump as a kubernetes pod within my container and did the configuration to store both on a persistent disk and on a github repo. I currently...


Make it possible to launch completely without root and with an offset UID GID. It will be necessary to check the work in OpenShift (it is possible to expand the...


Implement autocomplete in Bash for: * commands * flags * paths * kubernetes resources
