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Archi container image for use in continuous integration pipelines

Results 9 archimate-ci-image issues
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Hello, Thanks for great work. When I enable exporting the model, script breaks because $_project is resolved as multiline string. How can i overwrite $_project variable? Am I doing sth...

Hello, I am running the image with the jenkins of the company and i end with this error. It seems that everything is running fine, besides that when the Archi...

Addressing issues WoozyMasta/archimate-ci-image#18, WoozyMasta/archimate-ci-image#20.

Hello. Thank you for such universal building image. When I've tried to build my model which have named "Оператор Газпром ИД" I see in logs: ``` [LoadModelFromRepositoryProvider] Loading model at...

Hi, Great job, this docker-image works perfectly to build an architecture pipeline with Archi/coArchi/jArchi. Any chance you could release a 5.2-based image ?

Bitbucket uses `x-token-auth` instead of `x-access-token` in the git URL ( The following change should work, but I am unable to test it: ```bash if re_match "${GIT_REPOSITORY:-}" '^'; then _auth="x-access-token:$GIT_TOKEN"...

Hi! Is it possible to extend functionality to use a custom report template? Archi cli accepts an argument `--jasper.template` for passing full path to the main.jrxml Jasper Reports template file.


See changelog: Includes update to html-report plugin to v1.3.1 which added resize buttons to views.