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[Japanese translation] Email notification for submitted speakers
Remaining translation work from https://github.com/WWCodeTokyo/speak-her-db/issues/79
We are currently sending an automated email to all submitted speakers with the following content:
To: [email] CC: [submitter_email], [email protected] Reply: [email protected]
Hi [Name],
You have been nominated by [submitter_name] ([submitter_email]) to be featured on SpeakHer.jp, our online database of women and non-binary speakers in Japan!
This is an automated message indicating your nomination:
Name: [name_en] / [name_ja] Email: [email] Title: [job_title] Company: [company] Secondary Title: [secondary_title] Secondary Affiliation: [secondary_affiliation] Pronouns: [pronouns] Bio: [speaker_bio] City: [city] Twitter: [twitter_url] Facebook: [facebook_url] LinkedIn: [linkedin_url] Website: [website_url] Photo: [photo_url]
Please let us know if you don't want to be featured on the site or if you'd like us to correct any information.
Also, if you know of any women that you think would be a wonderful addition, please nominate them or spread the word about our database. We accept women and non-binary speakers on any topics in Japan. You can find our website at: https://speakher.jp And you can follow us on Twitter: @SpeakHerJapan
Kind regards, SpeakHer team
From the original issue: It would be nice to translate the above template into Japanese and then amend the Zap to include both languages.
@yanarchy, would this be something Emi could help with? Or we could also ask in the group chat for translation help.