So the UPlay overlay works, but Steam won't hook Siege. Maybe disable the UPlay overlay and see if that helps Steam hook its overlay to Siege? You could also try...
I wasn't aware of UWPHook since my application is designed for non-UWP games and I do my best to stay away from the Microsoft Store environment. I do like UWPHook's...
`GamePath` and `MonitorPath` are swapped. `RainbowSix_BE.exe` calls the BattleEye launcher which hooks `RainbowSix.exe` during the game launch. Those two lines should look like this: ``` GamePath=E:\U Play launcher\Ubisoft Game Launcher\games\Tom...
It looks as though OSOL is pointed at the right executables now and appears to be working properly. No guarantees here, but if you're still having trouble and you believe...
There's a large thread about this on the Steam Community forum for Siege dating back to around Nov. 20. As of the last update they seem to have broken the...
I'll investigate and report back.
OSOL seems to not be handling the UPlay launcher properly when using ```MonitorPath``` to watch the game executable, in this case ```RainbowSix.exe```. Other than that Siege seems to launch and...
The mentioned executable monitoring problem should be fixed in release v1.06k available on the releases page. Let me know if Siege needs any other adjustments.
Simply put: no. I had planned to redesign OSOL to rely on a pre-launcher so only a single executable would be necessary (to ease configuration maintenance). I never got around...
I'll consider it, but I don't currently have the significant amounts of free time that would be required for something like redesigning OSOL as a cross-platform launcher management tool. It's...