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ToMillisecondUnixTime truncates milliseconds of DateObject[]'s
ToMillisecondUnixTime[] truncates milliseconds when it converts DateObject[]'s to milliseconds from epoch. As a result, you can't perform sub-second date/time queries. That prevents efficiently finding records in the case where you might be looking for records in a 20ms window where you have records stored at 100 Hz. As a result of the truncation, you'd have to retrieve all ~100 records and find the subset within the window.
Need a fix along the lines in ACommon.m
ToMillisecondUnixTime[date_DateObject] := Module[
msec = date["Millisecond"];
If[MissingQ[msec], msec = 0, msec *= 10];
sec = date["Second"];
If[MissingQ[sec], sec = 0];
1000 * UnixTime[date] + msec
Additionally, it appears that on my Mac OS system, that DateObject[...]["Millisecond"] reports hundredths of seconds instead of milliseconds. I do not know how widespread that is and how one would detect it (maybe that's why this it's truncated?).